Feel as if we are in limbo!- the shortened version!

  • 12 replies
  • 127 subscribers

After having had a very bad back  my husband with further appts they took bloods and had a PSA of 67 in January and was referred to urologist.

Urology took bloods and he had a MRI, Nuclear Scan and CT scan - his bloods rose to PSA of 92 in a week! 

Confirmed prostate cancer with it showing in his bones and his lymph nodes were enlarged but couldn't say if this was cancer or not.

Had the 21 sample biopsy and awaited results. All of the above took 5 weeks from start to finish.

Imagine our surprise (not in a nice way) on the day we thought we would be told of a treatment plan, they called to say all biopsy results were clear and they now want him in for another biopsy under general anaesthetic to ensure they get the right area....

My worry is, that we have another week to wait for this and then the 3 week wait for results, with the levels of PSA rising so fast is his cancer spreading that fast - he was on tablets for only a month and has had the injection but the waiting is horrific! 

Has anyone else been through similar and if the PSA levels are so high, why is his prostate still feeling normal on examination?

Just is a really worrying time for us all, still remaining positive but it is wearing us down a bit.

Thanks folks 

  • Hi Brian, you are not late to the party! It was lovely for you to join in the fun! 

    I will fill in my profile later on this morning when I am on one of my breaks at work.

    Many thanks for the information,


  • The profile is really good, because for me it's very cathartic to list everything thats happening and also if I read someones post it's good to catch up with their treatment before I answer. Or just have a nosey around and look at other peoples treatment options etc. When I look back at my first posts, I remember how frightened we both were and how PC was so complicated with treatment options and fear of the unknown. Now we are calmer and more pragmatic about our approach to these things. I understand now that it's something that my partner and I will live with ( in our case) but it won't stop us living life. The treatment is that good. There's side effects from the treatment, but this can be manageable by adjusting the routine of how you do things. While you are waiting for your results you can still be proactive with thinking about lifestyle changes that you could do to help keep a healthy body, regular excercise and healthy eating, that sort of thing. Keep busy, the weeks will go soon enough and by then you will have adjusted more and feel more in control .
