Pre-RT assessment

  • 19 replies
  • 151 subscribers

Hi folks,

I have my pre-RT assessment coming up next Wednesday, though it will only be a month since I started on the Bical. I reckon that the actual RT will start around the middle of May.

I haven't been sent any info as to what to expect at next week's appointment, though I'm assuming, from what I've read, and from what I've gleaned from others, that I'll be given an enema, CAT-scanned, and tattooed. 

Is there anything else I should know, and how long might be appointment last?

Thanks & best wishes,

  • Are you having the markers inserted? I opted to have them, they were done an hour before my pre RT scan and tattoo dots. 
    The markers were uncomfortable, the last bit of invasive, I felt them slide in, wasn’t terrible but you’ll know. Took 2 minutes. 
    as you say the rest is simple, I started RT 2 weeks after the scan and tiny dots, I’ve never found them!!

  • Hello David

    obviously different hospitals work things slightly differently but I will list our experience:

    dec 2022 appointment with oncology consultant to discuss RT, side effects etc and my husband to sign consent form

    end of Jan 2023 appointment with radiotherapy team to hear what to expect, their system, what we needed, enemas , tattoos etc and given prescription for micro enemas

    2-3 days later tattoos, planning scan + reassurance +++

    beginning of Feb start!

    hth and good luck

  • Thanks to Malnik and Worriedwife for helpful responses.

    I'm not having markers inserted, and nor would I want to; still traumatised from the biopsy in December and its after-effects! (Half-joking, but I'm a wimp!)

    Ongoing good luck to you both,


  • Hi David,

    Think you have got the main idea of the session.  I wasn’t given an enema (6 years ago) so not sure if everywhere gives them, but what I wasn’t told was to try and have empty bowels.  Most of my session was spent walking round the hospital trying to get rid of gas.  I learnt after that, and for my 37 RT sessions I had a routine which involved eating non gas making foods and having a poo before my session.  I wasn’t bounced of the sunbed once in all those sessions!  The session shouldn’t last more than an hour, although because the scanners are sometimes used for emergencies you might take longer.  The hardest part most of us found was finding a parking place at the hospital.  Good luck. David

  • No enema given in my case or throughout the RT. I was sent home on my pre RT assessment because my bowel wasn't empty so had to return a week later with no problem. Only took about 20 minutes to get the scan and tattoo. Radiotherapists were brilliant throughout my treatment (August23). It's all about getting into a routine. If you can get your treatments at a similar time each day, it's much easier to get bowels and bladder right. Northampton Hospital gave me a car park pass for reserved oncology places which avoided all the stress of finding a parking spot. Click on the Panda to see my history. So far so good. Hope all goes well for you.


  • Thank you, David. I'll make sure to stay clear of cabbage and baked beans before next Wednesday, just in case!


  • Thanks, Bob. - all very helpful (supplemented by reading your profile). I've also been given a parking permit at the hospital, otherwise it can be tricky.


  • Hi David,

    I think each hospital may do their planning scan slightly differently.  In my case, I had been given a small supply of enema's beforehand & had to take 2 with me to the planning appointment to take at the hospital (the 2nd one was just in case the first didn't do the trick).  I also had to have to have a full bladder so made sure I had been drinking 2 litres of water a day as per their recommendation.  On the actual day of the scan, after using the enema & emptying the bowels I was given a measured amount of water (from memory 500 mil) to drink & then when I had done that had to let them know.  15 minutes later they took me through for the actual planning scan.

    I failed the first time as whilst the rectum was fine my bladder wasn't full enough, so had to go back another day & start again.  2nd time I failed as well, so on the 3rd occasion I was determined to pass this time so drank even more water beforehand & could have peed for England, but this time it was successful.  The 3 tattoo's are straight forward & just like a small scratch on the skin made with a needle which has dye on it - that was the easy part. 

    The actual scan & tattoo's took about 15 minutes all told & about 30 minutes for the preparation.

    Hope it all goes well for you,


  • Thank you, Brian.

    Would you advise, then, from your experience, for me to start drinking before setting off for the appointment? The hospital's only 20 minutes away, so I should make it without any 'spills' en route!



  • just had scan and tattoos last week and start RT on 21 of this month. Took about .20 minutes or so. Nothing to worry about.