Good News

  • 5 replies
  • 146 subscribers
Had the phone call from the Oncology consultant yesterday
He is happy with my latest PSA result of 0.26 and I have to continue on the Triptorelin injections every 3 months for life.
He also suggested that I have a PSA test every 3 months at the same time.
So that's it. I'm still stage 4 but just have to carry on getting jabbed every 3 months unless something changes
Still it's better than the alternative:-)
Now if I can just get used to the side effects of the HT injections....
  • Great Morning  

    That's a cracking post for a Tuesday morning. I thank you for sharing and as you say HT and side effects for life - much better than the alternatives. You have done so well since your diagnosis.

    On a personal note I have been on HT for two years and have mastered everything apart from the weight gain and crying -  but I am working on both.

    Stay with us and keep posting - I wish you many more happy PSA tests in the future.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Well done! Your PSA is brilliant!  We have just been away and met 3 people who were on this same journey. One man told us he was diagnosed 10 years ago and still going strong and enjoying life despite being stage 4. What a lot of hope and inspiration he gave us! Yes, the HT is a pain but we learn to live with it! I wish you all the very best!

  • Excellent news on your PSA this is good to hear 

  • I just love hearing about such positive experiences 

  • I'm not going anywhere ;-)