Spots of blood in my tena pad

  • 11 replies
  • 151 subscribers

Dear friends you can probably guess that I am relatively new to this group only being diagnosed 2 weeks ago today with some bone spread. Up until now in have never noticed blood in my urine but this morning when I took my safety overnight tena pad off I noticed a few spots of blood. Should I really expect this occasionally as par for the course. I will mention it to my cancer team but I wanted to get your experience 

  • Skippy1959, sorry you have joined our club.

    when you say you were diagnosed 2 weeks ago, can you provide more info.  What tests have you had and what are any results.  Do you have any underlying existing conditions?  You can easily put this information on your profile (click the beach next to my name to see my profile).  It is a useful thing to keep up to date as you progress on your journey.  With a bit more info, someone will give you some advice.

    best wishes. David

  • David I have updated my about as advised 

  • Hello   I can only agree with  here. It does depend on what part of your Prostate Cancer journey you are on and what has gone on in the past - examinations, biopsy etc. Again if we were aware of this on your profile it would help.

    You can click on my image of the beach to see my journey (I don't know why we all have a beach!!).

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Many thanks for the profile. I am sure someone will have advice for you.  
    Good luck with your journey.  You have friends with you!

    Best wishes David

  • Hello   - From your profile I would guess the small spots of blood in your urine are from the biopsy. If they continue for more than a few days I suggest you have a word with either your CNS or GP.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Afternoon Skippy.

    We all worry if there is any sign of blood either in the urine or faeces. I think from your journey that you have recently had a cystoscopy? This can irritate the bladder or urethra just due to mechanical damage when they are having a good old rummage around in there which can result in spotting for some time after the procedure. It may also make you more prone to a urine infection which can cause spotting. Come back and let us know what your cancer team say.

    We are here for any questions so just keep asking.

  • Cancer team very helpful and concur with it possibly resultant of biopsy. They have asked me to keep an eye on it and if if continues to talk to GP about some antibiotics 

  • Skippy1959 hope that has eased your mind. It is scary when something unexpected happens but the guys (and girls) have got loads of tea shirts for pretty much everything. Keep asking no matter how insignificant. Best wishes David

  • Hi Skippy

    althoug I don’t have the blood spots, I had radiotherapy which caused radiation prostitis and when I go to the loo, I have a blood in my poo, so not certain if you’ve had any treatment yet, I would definitely get the oncologist or your doctor to know about this.

    Stay safe


  • Thanks so much David this is a good support community. I have felt very vulnerable mentally recently and you all have given me support