The bell was rung

  • 2 replies
  • 149 subscribers
  • Hubbie went for his 6th and last chemo session yesterday. His appointment was 12.30 and he was called in early at 12.15.  all went well and he was ringing the bell at 3.15pm. his PSA has dropped even more and now down to 0.14 from 0.17, 3 weeks previously. We are both so happy Grin
  • Now that is great news to hear on a Saturday morning HuggingThumbsupSmiley

  • Shar, congrats to you both.  It is 3 months of focus on chemo and seems like forever.  I only managed 4 rounds before the oncologist pulled the plug on further rounds as my blood counts were so low.  Well done for getting to the end.  Keep the HT going - I am 6 years since starting the 12 weekly jabs and life is fairly normal.  Best wishes. David