3 Month HT injection? Take it easy!

  • 18 replies
  • 155 subscribers

I had my 3 - month decapeptyl injection on Thursday last week. Nice nurse, very experienced in oncology, and jab in slowly and no pain. Great, I thought so the wife and I went for a coffee and sandwich in the local garden centre, then wandered round afterwards…….. until…..I felt dizzy, and said I have to sit down. Left the garden centre (slowly) to the car and soon afterwards was violently sick.  Went to bed for 2 hours and another quiet hour reading. Was back to normal (but a bit weak) and enjoyed my normal dinner.  Why am I telling you this?  Well, my friend, who is a nurse, said that when the body receives 3 months worth of medication in one go, it says “what’s this?!?  I need to deal with this intruder immediately!!!”  The defence system goes into overdrive and dumps all non- essential services - including digestion - so it can concentrate on the fight. Hence the body empties the stomach. Interesting, eh?  I will certainly treat my next 3 - month injection with the respect it deserves!! 

  • I have Triptorelin every 3 months and haven't had that experience
    The injection site can get a bit sore and I had a bit of joint pain after the first one but never felt sick

  • Hi Alpine,

    I have now had 2 of the 3 monthly Decapeptyl injections & didn't notice any side effects (luckily).  Not sure if it makes any difference, but both of them were administered in the top of my thigh (different side each time). It may well be that it affects people differently, but at least you will be better prepared for the next one.

    All the best


  • Hello   So sorry to read that. I am on Decapeptyl - 22,5mg every 6 months - 4 down 2 to go.

    I have not had any adverse reaction to either the injection site (rear end!!) or to any of my bodily functions - indeed I have felt quite well after each jab. I am needle phobic (long story for some other time) but as it goes into my rear end I can't see it so I am fine.

    Let's hope it's a one off and you are fine with the next one.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Hi AW

    I was on 3 monthly Prostap injections, ( rotated between either arm and either side of my stomach) and had no real problems .

    I'm wondering if you should discuss your reaction with the hospital,  in case changing medication may make things better.



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Hi Stuart, I have an appointment next week so I will mention it.  I’m not too worried though, as I’ve had no symptoms since (apart from the odd hot flush) and my PSA is already down to 1.4, so I’m keen to stick with what works. A

  • Hi AW

    Don't mess with something that works - I like!



    Trying to get fit again!
  • I'm now 15 months in with 3 monthly Zovidax jabs. The effect varies from person to person and no-one can predict how, or when, you are going to suffer any, or all, of the effects - hopefully none, but some are likely.

    Any pain is likely to be fleeting - if it lasts for more than a couple of weeks, then seek advice.

    The most important advice that I can possibly give is that YOU MUST KEEP COMMUNICATING WITH YOUR PARTNER/WIFE. I failed to do this basic task, and it nearly destroyed us as a partnership. I'm still trying to recover from this ... and it's very, very painful

  • OMG Andy -  you’ve definitely been through the mill. I saw your other post about bleeding & abdominal pain too: you have my sympathy.  I suppose us optimists think we’re going to breeze through the radiotherapy, and this goes to show how damaging it can be to other parts of the body. On the other point you made, luckily my wife and I discuss everything and every aspect of my PCa fight. She’s bought into it fully and my indispensable ally.  AW

  • Had my first 3 monthly Prostap today, told although 3 times the dose,it is slow releasing,so hopefully wont get any additional side effects.Not that I have any,got a bit hot one night whilst in bed,but,had that before HT.

  • Midway through my 3rd 3 monthly Prostap, alternating arms. Any side effects creep up slowly but overall, the hot flushes have been the main issue. Taking Sage capsules as suggested by Millibob ad hot flushes are quite tolerable and have not got any worse than they were 5-6 months ago. I became quite emotional after 3 months resulting in the occasional tears but I seem to have got through that now. Click on the Panda to see my history, so far so good.