Radiotherapy Study

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  • 148 subscribers

Just watched a BBC breakfast report about the study conducted at the Royal Marsden in London into the efficacy of the rapid 5 day radiotherapy treatment.

The trial found that 96% of those treated over 5 days we're cancer free after 5 years compared to 95% with the 20 days course. More importantly this was without the need for hormone therapy and the side effects that brings. 

They said that 30 radiotherapy locations across the country were involved and it is ready to go. They mentioned one of the reasons why my husband opted for surgery and that was the daily grind of having to travel to hospital for weeks.

They did emphasise that the study involved men with low to medium risk cancer so they don't know how effective it would be for more advanced cancer yet, but a further study will be done into this.

It's too late for many men on this forum, but our sons and grandsons who may be more at risk because of the family connection may have a better chance of survival,with a much quicker treatment and less side effects.

Science is a wonderful thing.

  • Thanks for the information  , I have been out all day and have just read all the posts about this - it can only be good news for the future.

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