No side effects and reaction

  • 18 replies
  • 154 subscribers

I am not sure if this is a good or bad thing.  We have been today to see the therapy part of oncology to discuss the 12 week course Hubbie can do, the one with chats and exercises.  Hubbie was handed two questionnaires to complete, which he did and he said he has no side effects so far to the injection and HT.  he isn’t worried, not nervous or anxious in anyway and has no symptoms…….

now we know he definitely has PC but as he is feeling pretty good (we even walked in the Peak District yesterday) will he get any side effects once he has had more injections of HT?

he is so calm about it all…..  is this normal, or is he just odd Rofl 

  • Hello Donna,

    The side effects will creep up on him the more injections he has especially the fatigue so keeping active is important. His body will adjust to the drop in testosterone levels. Not all men get all of the side effects or to the same degree, and there are things he can take to mitigate them if they cause him a problem such as gynaemasty,  hot flushes, low mood, tendency to put on weight, ED, loss of libido......

  • Hi Donna,

    No, he is not odd as I feel the same way about it (mind you, I've always been told I am rather weird!).  As I see it, it's happened, there is treatment for it , so lets just get on & deal with it.  I'm not going to let it rule my life, & although I know there will be challenges with possible side effects of HT & RT, worrying about them before they happen isn't going to change anything.

    I'm due to have my 2nd injection later this month & will start RT on the 13th, but am still as active as before diagnosis (gardening, walking 11,000 steps a day) & apart from the odd hot flush & loss of libido it hasn't been too daunting.

    I personally think it's harder for a partner to cope with as they are obviously worried about the situation, but it's the teamwork of being a couple that make it all more bearable.

    Best Wishes


  • Hello Donna

    It took between 6 and 8 months after my first injection before the full set of side effects hit me. The ED came first followed after 6 months by the fatigue and then wham!! Boobs grew, sweats etc.

    The full story is available by clicking the icon of the beach.

    Keep him walking/exercising - fatigue is just around the corner!! Sweat smile

    Best wishes


    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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  • Hi Donna

    I agree with the others.

    Once you have it, you have it, and just need to put up with whatever side effects come your way. The HT will impact many areas of his life , but if he can keep being active it will help. I, too, took a very laid back view - couldn't see much point in being stressed out about something I had no control over.

    I am presuming that he will alo be on RT, and, if correct, some of the HT side effects will be magnified by the RT side effects - especially the fatigue. Be very careful, and follow to the letter, any dietary advice. In general, low fibre everything, no caffeine or alcohol, no green leafy vegetables. 

    Let us know some stats, when you have them and, we can help more.



    Trying to get fit again!
  • When you say fatigue. What does that look like for you? How much of the day (estimation) are you resting? 

  • Hello   by fatigue -I mean generally not wanting to tackle day to day jobs - feeling tired and generally lazy.

    I countered this by getting up and going for a walk every time I was feeling tired - it was hard work but it works.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Stuart do you have a source I can use for dietary advice 

  • Hi Skippy

    I still have the diet sheet  Poole hospital RT team gave to me, if that's of interest.



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Hi Stuart

    Just reading your post of 4 months ago. I hope you are feeling good today!

    The dietary advise of low fiber and no green leafy vegetables- is it apply for RT only and not HT? My husband on HT currently and no RT and he loves his leafy vegetable which are good nutrition. Nobody talked with us yet on any diet etc.

    Best wishes

    Dafna from Brighton