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I have been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Fortunately I have been told it is treatable but now I have to decide between radiotherapy and surgery. It seems there are pros and cons with both and I am having trouble decided which would be best. How do you make this decision?

  • Hi Sigurd

    Just look at possible side effects.

    Surgery . ED and urinary issues but obviously not always,

    RT and HT  Probably more side effects with the HT (hormone therapy) rather than the RT. but these do tend to go away some time after treatment finishes.

    It's a good idea to go online and check out the full list of potential side effects before deciding.

    Only one downside to going for RT over surgery, that is,  if Cancer returns surgery very difficult if not impossible after RT, other way round RT after surgery OK.

    Having said that I still went for RT.

    See what others say

    Good luck


  • Hello Sigurd - welcome to the club.

    The question you have asked is impossible to answer as it's personal to you. Steve has pointed out the issues for both treatments in his post above.

    I would read all the information you can obtain on the two treatments (Prostate Cancer UK has cracking information on both treatments). I would also read what people on here have said who have already been on their personal journey.

    Some of the "regular" posters have their personal journey in diary form - you can read my 20 month HT/RT journey by clicking on the icon of the beach.

    I hope this helps you in your choice - if you have any questions on HT/RT I would be happy to answer them.

    Good luck whichever route you take.

    Kind regards


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  • Do as much research as you possibly can. Be sure that you listen to others but, at the end of the day, make the decision that feels right for you. Grundo has confirmed all the other facts so I won’t repeat!

    my husband was treated with the intention to cure. He actively chose RT and HT and was very opposed to surgery. That was his decision. On balance I would say the side effects of the HT are much harder to tolerate than the RT for both of us. 

    I think that whichever route people take, the hard point is the regular PSA testing and the fear that things are not going in the right direction.

    HTH and good luck:

  • Hi I went for surgery as it was the quickest way. Also because of my age 74 they will not operate after you are 75. After 8 months since surgery I am still incontinent and have ED. It’s a difficult decision but whatever you decide there is no wrong decision 

  • My inclination is to go for surgery too though it is a difficult decision to make.

  • Thanks for this. I didn’t know about RT cancelling out the surgical option.

  • Why do they not operate after you are 75? I have recently watched  on TV about surgeons and people who are over 75 been operated on who got cancer /cancer returned

  • It's not impossible but they say it may not be possible because radiotherapy causes scar tissue which could make it difficult.

    If you read my profile it gives the timeliness of my husbands journey including his progress since having the surgery on 27th June.

  • I don't think there is a blanket ban on surgery for the over 75's. The surgeon may agree to it if the older man is fit for their age. It's all to do with the operation being a greater risk to older men in terms of complications during or after surgery. 

    I read that men with locally advanced prostate cancer are unlikely to be offered surgery either, but my husband was offered it because he was considered to be fit enough.

  • Interesting reading. Certainly not a walk in the park. I hope your husband continues to improve.