PSA risen a little on HT

  • 2 replies
  • 149 subscribers

Hi all

my husband had his review today with specialist nurse.

he is currently on decepaptyl 3 monthly injections and aberiterone and steroids. 
he had his blood checks on Wednesday last week and was told today that is psa has risen a fraction it was last 0.424 and now up to 0.444 which isn’t a lot I know but the nurse said it prob just stabilising but they will keep a check that it doesn’t continue to rise. Wouldn’t stay it stabilisingbif it going back up when many others seem to be down to 0.1. 
he started his radiotherapy last Friday and will get his 4th blast tomorrow so it nothing to do with that. 
he seems to be fine but would say he getting more tired easily already and a lot of people don’t seem to report much side effects till about 2 weeks in. 
I am probably worrying about nothing just looking for others experience and thoughts xx

  • Hi Skye

    Nothing to worry about here at all. The Nurse is right about the PSA - in fact after Radiotherapy he won't reach his nadir until 18 months after RT has been completed so ups and downs are to be expected. As long as it's below 4 that's great. He won't get an accurate PSA now until at least 3 months after the end of RT.

    I know what you mean about everyone being down to 0.1. My personal journey started at 182. 9 months on Decepaptyl and it was down to only 1.37 and 4 months post RT 0.576. I am due a PSA test next Monday prior to my 6 month review and want it lower!!!!

    The "sunbed" affects us all in different ways as we all have different bodies. i don't think he's anything to worry about - I knew fatigue was on it's way and kept up with my walking - we have two dogs and as I live close to the hospital I walked in and back for some of my RT sessions. If he's any worries speak to the Radiologists - they are great people who know their job.

    I hope the next 16 sessions go down well. You can expect some side effects but we are all different.

    Best wishes


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  • Hi Skye

    I had 20 sessions of RT in 2019. My PSA was initially 15, had gone down to 0.4 by the start of RT and down again to 0.1 by the end. Three months later it was <0.1 and stayed there until the end of my HT in 2021. Since then it has risen slightly and has been stable at 0.2 for the last three six-monthly test. The RT will inflame the prostate and can cause a rise in PSA at the early stages. I think that small rise is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about.

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