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I have had a blood test (psa) that came back at 99..02. Waiting. For a Call from hospital. Not sure what to expect as was Contacted by doctor who told me he referred me nothing else. I have been unable to see a doctor for some time. This is due to the surgery I’m with not wanting to see patients. 
you read so much on the internet implying this reading is more than likely advanced prostrate cancer. Can anyone help as my head is going made with worry not knowing 

  • Hi

    Until you have all the results, it’s not easy waiting. You can push forward for an emergency appointment with the doctors, you could change surgeries.

    Give the hospital a call, tell them your situation, be polite, just keep pushing for an appointment, I have advanced PC have had for seven years, so it’s treatable if not curable. PC is very slow to grow so time is on your side, try phoning see where that takes you.

    Stay safe


  • Hi Jdcambridge

    Welcome to the club you don't want to join!

    A PSA of 99,02 is high but it doesn't automatically mean it's advanced prostate cancer where the cancer has left the gland and gone walkabout. Personal experience my initial diagnosis was a PSA of 182 and mine is not advanced and it's confined to the gland.

    The NHS guidelines for a cancer referral from GP to Hospital is 2 weeks so you should be seen quickly.

    I would try not to worry.  You more than likely will end up with a cancer diagnosis but there are plenty of treatments available both for prostate/advanced prostate cancer and survival rates are high. Prostate cancer in most cases is slow growing. I am aware of what you can read on the internet. Stick with us here. Get your diagnosis and speak to us who have "been there got the T-Shirt" and we will help you through this.

    I know it's a worrying time but try and wait for the diagnosis and we can help you with this. I know you probably didn't want to read this but it's my honest opinion.

    Anything else just ask.

    Kind Regards


    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Thanks joe

    I have managed to get a referral to a different hospital but back to the 2 week wait. 
    cheers john

  • Thank you Brian 

    this does mean a lot. My dad passed with prostrate cancer. So been very concerned 

    regards john 

  • Hi John

    Sorry to read that. It does tend to run in the family though.

    As joe above says "time is on your side" and as you will find out this is very much a waiting game.

    You will find the joe and I and many other "regulars" on here have posted our "journey" online to help others see where we have been, you can view these by clicking on the icon next to our user name (mine's the beach). This can help you see how our treatment has been. You will see we are all different.

    Kind Regards


    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi JdCambridge,

    My partners PSA was115. He's had treatment and it's now down and he's doing very well. I don't want to stress you out in anyway, but I think you need to contact you GP and push for being seen ASAP. and also ask about having Hormone treatment now. As a rule if your PSA is over 100 you should be considered to have this, as you are just under it may be worth having a discussion with the GP while you are waiting. My partner seemed to be having a long wait to see a consultant so we asked the GP to start HT and he agreed. It took the stress out of the situation. Unfortunately waiting times can feel unjustly long when you have a high PSA test.

    This is what we did to speed things up.- We took things into our own hands, researched. Phoned GP and asked to be seen immediately. ( don't ask done get)  Every scan =CT. Biopsy etc. I phoned up the department and asked to be considered if someone cancelled last minute and gave them our phone number and told them that we would drop everything and be at the hospital within 20 minutes. This sped up the whole process to within a few weeks. We were unable to get the consultants meeting moved forwards from the 3 months appointment after the initial PSA. so we went private for the consult. Once all the scans and biopsy were done you can have your GP send these through to any consultant you want in the UK. The Royal Marsden is brilliant and it cost about £480. we felt money well spent for them to look at the scans and biopsy results and tell us exactly what was happening. If you are in Cambridge? there is an excellent consultant (Simon Russell) who you could see. 

    I know this sounds very pushy, but I think it's important to act swiftly and decisively when your PSA is high and nothing is lost by being pro active.

    Best wishes

    LSlight smile

  • Hello John. Sorry to hear of your worries and the difficulties with appointments.  It is highly likely that your next step will be to have an MRI scan. If that raises concerns then a biopsy will be suggested followed by, possibly, more scans. The whole process can be somewhat drawn out and very anxiety provoking. We got through the system by politely pushing for appointments, saying we would accept short notice appointment cancellations. This helped a lot.

    Can I advise you to look at www.prostate cancer uk.org who have lots of very useful, easily readable information leaflets?

    also, if you have close male family members it would be a good idea to advise them to get tested regularly from age 45 years onwards (  40 years for those of black ethnicity) as prostate cancer does run in families.

    I hope this helps and I wish you well.

  • Hi. My husband was diagnosed late April this year. Gp was fabulous and referred him to the hospital on the Friday and the hospital rang on the following Monday asking if he could go in that day for an MRI. We decided to go private for the results as it meant we could get them quicker. Unfortunately the results weren't good and we were told husband needed a biopsy. This was done 10 days later followed shortly by a bone scan. He was put on hormone tablets and then needed a pet scan and because we then transferred from private to NHS (there were no advantages going private) other than a nicer environment we appeared to get lost between the 2 systems. I spent 2 days chasing a pet scan date, before getting on my high horse. To keep the journey short husband had his first chemo yesterday. He is on what is called triple therapy, chemo, a chemo tablet and 3 monthly hormone injections. Don't be afraid to fight your corner and chase things up. You may be a number to them but this is about you. Good luck and come back here any time I honestly don't know what I would have done without this group. 

  • Hi all

    got call from specialist on Wednesdays, had MRI Friday also new blood test and urine sample 

    things seem to be moving fast now. Specialist to contact me within two weeks from last Wednesday.

    I thank everyone for your advice and kind caring words.Thank you


  • That sounds great and very speedy.  Let us know how you get on. 
    Best wishes, 
    LSlight smile