PC recently diagnosed

  • 6 replies
  • 147 subscribers

Hi...I have been recently diagnosed with PC. PSA 6.45  GLEASON 3 + 4, Stage T2a.

My options are..monitoring, prostatectomy  RT with HT, brachytherapy.

My father succumbed to hus PC which had spread to his bones, my older brother had a successful prostatectomy 12 years ago. Due to my family history, I feel I should choose one of the radical treatments and am leaning towards Brachytherapy. My wife, will support my decision but would prefer the prostatectomy. I have not seen any reference to Brachytherapy on this site and wonder if anyone would share their experience of this treatment with me. Thank you. 

  • Hi Coppeman

    Your stats are low so AS could be an option but I understand u wanting a treatment plan.

    there are a few on here who have had Brachy , read good things about that treatment. I had RT which is also a good plan.

    U don't give your age but if young  (ish) bear in in mind surgery can give u ED issues, not always though.

    Do much research and ask questions on here, hopefully someone will post who has had the brachy

    Bets wishes


  • Hi Grundo,

    Thanks for your reply. I'm soon to be 68. My brother was about 57 when diagnosed. Prostatectomy was his only choice 12 years ago as his glesson was 4+3. He was considered then to be high risk ,  but 12 years down the road, my consultant said he would be intermediate considered risk now.

    Take care


  • Good morning all, my recent Gleeson was 3+4 and intermediate I’m told , does anybody know if one can only be treated with HT instead of the Opperation, brachytherapy or radiation ( just that my consultants have nearly all but radiotherapy have said I can’t have due to Crohn’s I have , and even radiotherapy consultant is doubtful upon reading a letter yesterday , been on the HT nearly three weeks and had my jab last week and I’m wondering what side effects I’m to expect? As yet I’m having nothing , 

    Cheers , Jonny mac

  • Hi JM

    I presume that the cancer has not spread and is contained in the gland.

    If this is the  case could surgery not be an option.

    I understand not wanting RT etc because of  Chrons.

    HT is certainly possible long term although they may have to chop and change at times, HT doesn't tend to last indef.

    Side effects though can be a problem but not everyone suffers in a big way.

    U say u have no side effects yet, possibly they haven't started yet or you're lucky and side effects will be minimal.

    I didn't have HT so hopefully someone will post who can give u more guidance

    Best wishes


  • No it’s contained thankfully, professor said he wouldn’t risk Opperation with the Crohn’s opps I’ve had , think it’s with other things I’ve have in that area re opps in past , so things are not too clear with way forward to treat this bloody thing , but at least it’s not stopped me working as a builder , but my clinical nurse was surprised other day when I turned up to get my jab in work clothes, told me to be careful if I’m working, I didn’t think I could harm the prostrate , so still waiting on tests to check my Crohn’s to see what’s nxt , my hair goes greyer ( whiter ) by the minute waiting on things , Jm

    Cheers , Jonny mac