
  • 3 replies
  • 148 subscribers

Husband has to have an injection next week as he will have been on bicalutamide tablets for 2 weeks. We see consultant on the same day for results of pet scan and course of action. Is this the start of hormone therapy and if so how often will the injection be and how do they decide what the time gap is between the injections. Radiotherapy was also mentioned so does this start before, during or after the injections. Thank you 

  • Hello Shar, my understanding is that if the prostate cancer is being treated with a combination of HT and RT and with  the intention to cure ( ie depending on the stage, any spread etc) the injections are slow release and come in monthly, 3 monthly or 6 monthly formulations. Radiotherapy is usually commenced 3-6 months after starting on hormone therapy.

    I think the treatment pathway depends though on whether surgery is the chosen option, whether the cancer has spread, whether the patient has other health problems etc.


  • Hi Shar

    I have been (and still am) on the HT/RT journey. I had a few complications on my journey but all sorted out. 18 months down the line from diagnosis all is well. I still have another 18 months to go on HT.

    The post above from Worriedwife sums up the journey in a nutshell but if it would give you a better understanding you can follow my 18 month journey, step by step by clicking on the icon of the beach.

    I hope this helps - best wishes for your results and scans.

    Kind Regards


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