Radiotherapy next week

  • 8 replies
  • 150 subscribers

Hi all, I had a radical prostectomy Sept 2021 all went well, I’ve had my bloods done every 3 months and my PSA has risen from 0.02 to 0.18 in about a year, so I’m on Zoladex injections every month and I’m having  23 sessions of radiotherapy , I’ve been going to the gym regularly and feel positive, just starting to feel a bit anxious, I’ve got all my times for my treatment and I’m all ready for to keep hydrated and bowel movements beforehand, any other tips or advice would be appreciated, all the best, Pete x

  • Hi Pete - Personal experience - just turn up on time, follow the instructions to the letter and you will be fine

    My only side effects were a couple of changes to my No 1's and 2's and fatigue but they all sorted themselves out - the weeing and the pooing during the RT treatment and the fatigue about 4 weeks after.

    It takes more energy turning up everyday!!

    I hope it works for you.

    Kind Regards - Brian.

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  • Hi Pete

    Ask for a copy of a diet sheet. We were all given one in Poole and follow it religiously.  No alcohol, green veg and low fibre everything. Boring, and went against everything I had learnt about what a good diet is. Ignored it for one day over Christmas 2019 and it really wasn't funny. Would have been impossible to attend any RT session on Boxing Day had there been any!



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Hi Pete

    I know this sounds strange, but while I had my radiotherapy they mentioned one of the best things to eat was Richmond biscuits.

    Stay safe


  • Did you have Richmond  biscuits? Can’t see it doing any harm, thanks for the tip x

  • Hi

    Yes I did, there’s practically no sugar, and ok there a bit bland, but better than nibbling on other snacks.

    stay safe


    1. Please can I ask how long it took for you to get a date for radiotherapy from the date you were told this was going to happen. What appointments did you need to discuss radiotherapy. Good luck 
  • Hi Shar, I had a radical prostectomy in Sept 2021, had 3 monthly blood tests for PSA, started off at 0.02 then 0.05, 0.08, 0.12 until it reached 0.18, I got an appointment with the urologist who put me on hormone treatment, I reckon it was probably 3 or 4 months after that consultation and I start radiotherapy on Thursday, hope this helps you 

  • Thanks and I hope all goes well