RT and Water - Confused

  • 15 replies
  • 154 subscribers

So having had my RT planning appointment... I was drinking lots of water which they didn't seem interested in at all... They said no I shouldn't have been drinking it all and I should empty my bladder before the CT

OK so maybe it's for the actual RT ... But the only instructions I have are is to start the micro enemas 3 days before... and bring one wiht me on the day

Absolutely no mention of water and no mention of diet or a diet sheet (which I forgot to ask about)

I dont get it.. I read different things all the time ..... mostly about water but also about diet... apart from you lovely people here.. who should I ask for difinitive answers ?

I only have on here and the mcmillan help line i can ask and i don't like keep phoning them when I should probably know...

  • Hi Whatsisname, it seems that different hospitals have different regimes!  My husband did not have enemas from 3 days before and only on treatment days. He had to empty his bladder 30 minutes before treatment and immediately drink 2 plastic cups full os water.  I think others have had variations on that theme. We were told that this ‘rigmarole’ ( or ‘rite’?) was to ensure, as far as possible , that the prostate was in the same place every time. The prostate can shift slightly in position according to bowel gas and contents and bladder contents, apparently!  The prostate being in the same place means more accurate direction of the radiation and so better chance of cure and less chance of collateral damage.

    I am no radiotherapy expert but my understanding is that the machines scan to check the prostate position before delivering the rays and the table adjusts the patient’s position slightly if need be to accommodate any deviation and increase accuracy?

    others may be better informed than me on this!

    Prostate Cancer Uk publish some very useful, easy to understand and informative information on all aspects of prostate cancer and treatment/ management. Perhaps you will find some more definitive info on their website?

    try not to worry too much. Just look out for that bell and get ready to ring it on your last day!!!  20 sessions and all possible side effects seems like an insurmountable mountain at the start but we all get through it and to the other side!!!

    I hope all goes well for you.

  • Hi

    There is so much information to take in, at a very vulnerable time. So I wouldn't worry about asking loads of questions, of anyone you feel can help.

    I'm not sure what any of the big prostate cancer sites say, but for me changing my diet was key, and without the changes I would have been in big trouble. However, from memory, I don't think my hospital ( Poole) automatically offered a diet sheet - I asked for one when one of my cohorts, suggested I should have one in my welcome pack. Clerical error maybe. If you can't get hold of one I will find a way of getting one to you. 

    The using of the micro enema, which I always used in the hospital, and the drinking of a given measure of water, happened every day.

    Hope this helps.



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Hi W

    I did the enemas but no water.

    The hospital I had the RT with had some people taking the water, I did ask why some and not others and never really go a decent answer except perhaps everyone different.

    So if they say no water that's good ,  another thing off your list to do.

    Best wishes


  • No enemas for me. Laxatives for the first week but the RT kept things moving after that. With water I was told its best to drink 2 litres of water a day as you get dehydrated in RT. As Rt progressed I needed the loo more often so stopped drinking an hour before i left home, or i wouldn't make the hour it took to get there!

    In the waiting room I was asked to empty my bladder then drink 3 cups, (600ml) of water half hour before they called me, they would tell me when they took the previous guys in. It was a well oiled machine. Again, as RT progressed it was harder not to need a loo and last the half hour. I missed 3 times, so had to start again. 

    I was told that the reason for the water is that it lifts as it fills and so the prostate becomes more visible, sounds realistic! I'm sure there are different kinds of machines, more modern that perhaps need different things, progress!

  • Reading the replies I am even more confused. Sorry i mean because it seems different hospitals different rules I dont mean replies not helpful.. believe me they always are :) All I have been told is enemas.. No mention of water before during or anything :(  Yet just about everyone else has been told water.. ...erk .

  • Think quite a difference between drinking plenty of water to keep hydrated and drinking water just before RT.

    If u have been told that u don't need to drink water before HT then that's fine but still drink plenty of water generally 

  • Thats my problem.. I havent been told either way and the only advice to drink water is on here and not by the radiotherapist....however I have read leaflets and stuff and yes it does seem the way to go lots of water...   I have been caffine free for a couple of years for other problems with sleep so that parts OK .. will miss my wifes spicey cooking though... :) 

    PS on the plus side. I have now discovered cranbery juice and love it :) 

  • I have just this minute got back from hospital and I’ve had my CT scan, if it’s any help, I sailed through it , I have been taking laxatives 5 days before scan, I have been drinking 2l of water every day this is important to keep you hydrated, this morning I arrived at hospital was told to empty my bowel and bladder, then drank 1/2l of water, this fils your bladder, if your dehydrated it won’t work, 1/2 hour after drinking then I had the scan, the same procedure will happen when I have radiotherapy, I don’t have a prostate gland now so it’s nothing to do with that. So most important, drink 2l of water every day to keep hydrated, hope this helps, I start radiotherapy on 1st June 

  • Your like a day or 2 behind me mate.. with scan and start date :)  and again still weird as I wasn't told to drink any water... I presume this will be the same for all my radiotherapy to keep same positioning... still confusing though... 

  • You empty your bowel so that it lies flat and does not cover the gland, you fill your blader so it will fall to one side and not obscure the gland, that way the RT beam gets to where it's needed.

    I've never had to empty my bowel of fill the blader for any other scans.