
  • 2 replies
  • 147 subscribers

Hi All

i’m presently 3 months into my 2 year hormone therapy and I’m having the usual side effects eg tiredness during the day but insomnia at night together with hot flushes, I’m also being affected by gynecomastasia, as I’ve developed quite lot of embarrassing breast tissue, I’ve started on Tamoxifen, hoping it will slow or stop this.

  • My question is if this breast tissue is progressive, as I’ve still got over 20 months of this therapy left, and the possible outcome is very worrying! Also, when the therapy ends, and my testosterone gets back to normal, will this breast tissue disappear, or do I have it for the rest of my life? I cannot find any information on line to answer this.

Hopefully, there may be someone out there who has come to the end of HT and can answer.

  • Hi Busibaz

    Sadly, I have no idea what the answer is to your question. But have you tried speaking to the nurses on here, or maybe the Cancer Nurse Specialist at your hospital? 



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Hi Stuart

    Yes, I’ve tried to get an answer from the nurses on here, but they can’t help me. I’m presently waiting for a response from my CNS. It’s just odd that there’s no information online about this.
