
  • 3 replies
  • 148 subscribers

Hi. My other half is due to start in enzulatamide next week. We have been told that we have two appointments one for two hours and one for an hour and to make sure that he has somebody with him for the two hours. Is this normal? Can anybody tell me what to expect on those appointments? I like to be prepared for what’s going on and help my husband through what to expect. 

 Thanks very much.


  • Hi Jane,

    I am not sure what the appointments are for, but in terms of enzalutamide they need blood pressure, blood test and to discuss and sign off consent on the treatment.  I had this all done in one appointment but the may wish to discuss the treatment and its side effects and get the consent signed in one appt, with the second for the blood tests?

    Stay strong and don't be scared to ask lots of questions if you are not sure on anything.


    • Hi Steve. Thanks. That was what I was thinking but when he took the call she said to him make sure you bring someone with you. 
  • Hi Jane

    They normally run through all the ‘what to expect’ from the tablets, eg side effects things like this, does your husband have anything else going on, like I have diabetes. 
    They may take blood pressure, oxygen levels, weight etc, they may even take his blood. All these things are normal some don’t worry.

    the second appointment may well be to see how the tablets are affecting him, sometimes these things are not everyone’s cup of tea, I started on four enzalutamide and with the other meds I have to take, sent my head in a whirl so I had them cut to two then three then four over five or six weeks, but this should all be explained.

    Stay safe
