Focal Cryotherapy Treatment

  • 1 reply
  • 145 subscribers

Hi there. I've recently chosen to proceed with Focal Cryotherapy for my contained Prostate Cancer. After lengthy conversations with my Wife and grown up children, Urology treatment specialists and copious amounts of research this seemed the least intrusive, not happy with watchful waiting, treatment and statistically looks very positive.

I'm reaching out to see if anyone has been through this and may have experience to share. 

I'm 51 yers old and was diagnosed after Transperineal biopsies in December. (I had ultrasound biopsies in 2019 after a very slight PSA raise but negative for cancer at that point)

PSA was 4.72 (Now 6.66)

Gleason 7 3+4 

2 of 15 biospies showed Cancer with a focal size of 7-8mm. This sows as contained to the front of gland.


  • Hi Baz 

    Don't think many on here been through Cryo but hopefully someone will post.

    I have read good things about it but don't think many figures on long term success rates.

    Looks good if stats are lowish which your obviously are.

    Good luck 

    1. Steve