
  • 4 replies
  • 150 subscribers

Happy new year 

Had surgery on the 21st Dec. got home on 23rd. Was in considerable amount of discomfort and pain. My two sons took it in turns to stay with me so not much of a xmas for them. Couldn't get in or out of bed on my own until last Wednesday. In fact couldn't do very much at all. No appetite and constipated due to the codeine and morphine.

Have a catheter fitted but have to wear a pad also as leaking quite a bit where the catheter tube goes into the Urethra. Didn't  really expect this. Get the catheter removed tomorrow. Which will make me more comfortable (I hope). Will keep you all posted on how the incontinence goes


  • You have my sympathies. I hope and pray that you will be well and very comfortable soon. 
    I am trying to decide between robotic surgery and HR/RT. Your message has certainly not made me a fan of surgery. 

  • Hi Raaid,

    I had a prostatectomy last September and can say things will get better.  The first 2 weeks are the worst, but once the catheter is out and the discomfort subsides you can get more active and start to look forward. 
    Do the squeezy excersises and regain continence. Maybe I was lucky but never had a problem with leakage, just found it was tiring to get up 2 or 3 times a night. That soon stopped though, and now get a full nights sleep. 
    It’s been 3 months now and I don’t have any regrets going for the surgery. 

  • Thanks for that, catheter out now two days down the road and no control over my bladder. Restarted pelvic floor muscles exercises yesterday. Find this incontinence a bit depressing. As I said when I had catheter fitted had considerable amount of bypass leakage. However great to get catheter removed even managed a short walk yesterday hope to go a bit further today. 
    thanks for the info 

  • I too am trying to decide between Surgery and External radiation. The more I read the more I get confused. I have a slight twinge in my left side at the moment but I think I’ve had this off and on over the years. Not sure if it’s associated at all though. 

    All the very best Raaid and thanks for sharing the process as you go.
