My husbands lung cancer has spread to his bones

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My husband had prostate cancer in March this year and was given the all clear, after a short respite, he was diagnosed with lung cancer which absolutely tore us apart - Pet scan showed it has spread to his bones.  We had a hospital emergency with the tumours in his spine and are now waiting for the biopsy results with talk of hip replacements.  They have told us that we have to be patient so they can decide which treatment is best for the cancer my husband has.  The emotions we are going through are overwhelming.  They have told us his cancer is incurable but treatable, it's like a nightmare that wont go away.

I have read a few other posts and feel so much compassion and empathy for others going through this terrible disease.  It tears me apart to watch him suffering emotionally, the pains are controllable at the moment, however I am on edge checking him all the time, so any sleep I get is a luxury.  He is in and out of sleep most of the day.

He has needle phobia and general fears of hospitals and treatments which is making this awful disease so much more difficult for him.  The medical teams as very supportive, however I worry that his fears will jeopardise his treatment. 

  • I recognise your fears and anxiety and my thoughts are with you. It’s horrible watching our menfolk go through all of this. I do hope you can get some decent sleep because I think that might make you feel better. I also hope you are getting some support for yourself?  

    with my very best wishes and hugs