Morning All,
My Dad was diagnosed with locally advanced prostate cancer yesterday after 4months of tests from going to the doctor with something unrelated. The tests consisted off PSA, MRI, CT and bone scan.
I have found this forum to be very helpful and see everyone pulls together with advice and help which must be so warming.
I went into the specialist room with him yesterday for a second ear but the consultant wasn't overly forthcoming with information and said it was locally advanced and gave us a leaflet to read up about it.
He didn't give Gleason scores just told us his PSA was 16 and that he has had it for a long time already. He said it was locally advanced and the CT and Bone scan was clear.
He also has said that it is treatable but not curable, I have read that at this stage it might be able to be curable but definitely no expert just going off what I have read.
The treatment plan is hormone tablets and injections for 3 months and then radiotherapy after that for a few weeks daily.
What are the next steps in terms of seeing the specialist and people again to see how he is reacting to treatment etc.
Thanks in advance for any help,