Dad just been diagnosed the locally advanced prostate cancer

  • 14 replies
  • 150 subscribers

Morning All,

My Dad was diagnosed with locally advanced prostate cancer yesterday after 4months of tests from going to the doctor with something unrelated. The tests consisted off PSA, MRI, CT and bone scan.

I have found this forum to be very helpful and see everyone pulls together with advice and help which must be so warming.

I went into the specialist room with him yesterday for a second ear but the consultant wasn't overly forthcoming with information and said it was locally advanced and gave us a leaflet to read up about it.

He didn't give Gleason scores just told us his PSA was 16 and that he has had it for a long time already. He said it was locally advanced and the CT and Bone scan was clear.

He also has said that it is treatable but not curable, I have read that at this stage it might be able to be curable but definitely no expert just going off what I have read. 

The treatment plan is hormone tablets and injections for 3 months and then radiotherapy after that for a few weeks daily.

What are the next steps in terms of seeing the specialist and people again to see how he is reacting to treatment etc.

Thanks in advance for any help,


  • Hi Nick 

    I know u have another post running as well, Must say not good that they haven't given a Gleeson score, would be helpful to know that.

    Also u need to know exactly what the MRI says to give tumour size and to establish if the tumour has broken through, locally advanced would normall mean that but some clarification would be good.

    Looks like treatment will start in 3 months so u have plenty of time to ask for more detail


  • Hi Grundo,

    Thanks for your advice, who would we ask about more info. He did say it has gone to semen vesicles and wall.


  • Ok so that explains the words locally advanced. MRI report not so necessary now but always handy to have if u ever want a second opinion.

    If u telephone the cancer centre and say that u want the Gleeson score they can post it to you, probably wouldn't give over the phone.

    Always handy to keep all results on paper , u never know when info can be handy.

    You may not hear from them now until nearer the date when RT starts but an interim PSA test would be good to show hormones are working. GP can do that as well.

    Best wishes


  • Excellent help thanks so much

  • By the way, one more thing.I did think that spread to seminal vesicles was still potentially curable so could be worth double checking that. You could also look online to get more info.

    Obviously I could be wrong.


  • Hi, so my Dad has just had a letter following his results appointment a couple of weeks ago. This had more information on it;

    Gleason score 3+4 in 7 cores. Stage T3b in right side. N0 M0 CPG 3 WO 2 PSA 16.

    He is on Cyproterone tablets for 3 weeks and then 3 monthly injections with radiotherapy in around March'23 time.

    The specialist said it wasn't curable but treatable. Any further advise would be greatly appreciated.

    Also he has to go for a liver function blood test in 3 weeks does anyone know what that is for?

  • Ok, so Gleeson ok, PSA not too high.

    Realise it's in the vesicles, I know that makes it more difficult to treat but did think was potentially still curable.

    Could be worth double checking on that, hopefully someone will post who Def knows the answer.

    Hope all goes OK anyway.



  • Sorry to hear about your Dads diagnosis. Could I ask what W0 stands for, please. My husband is T3, mo, no Gleason 4+3=7. PSA 10. He has started treatment with, as the specialist nurses said, ‘the intention to cure’ - 6 months hormones with 4 weeks radiotherapy half way through.  We know there are no guarantees but it’s worth a try! Good luck and best wishes to you and your Dad

  • Hi Nick,

    The GLEASON 3+4 is a good sign. My diagnosis was also 'locally advanced' which means that it had broken through to local areas but mine was GLEASON 4+3   and it had spread to the bladder neck on the urethra. My CT scan also showed no spread to bones or lymph, so not too bad. I have been given hormone treatment and radiotherapy for 6 weeks, so similar except that my treatment started straight away so  I don't understand why your dad should wait for so many months to start. And I don't see why it is not curable, of course it is!

  • Hi Nick sorry to read about you dad, it's quite normal for RT to start a few weeks after hormone treatment to give the hormones a chance to work, can't see why it's incurable tho, one of the guys attending our Maggie's Center had same diagnosis and he is in remission.