Radiotherapy side effects

  • 20 replies
  • 138 subscribers

I'm starting next week, and while I feel reassured about the likelihood of success, I won't know what side effects I will experience until I start. The most common is fatigue - what has been anyone's experience of that? Is it cumulative, did it kick in quickly or later? Were you able to work?

Would be great to hear from you if you have gone through this yourself.

  • I'm on HT too. I'm not the fittest but I'll do what I can; motivating myself to exercise is hard enough at the best of times....

  • I have nothing but good things to say about my RT.  BRI (Bristol) don't offer a diet sheet these days as they now believe that sticking to - or close to - your usual dietary regime is the least disruptive/problematic approach.  They do advise caution with intake of alcohol, caffeine and particularly high fibre foods (green leafy veg etc), and strongly recommend good hydration.  I found it hugely helpful to have my RT appointment at the same time every day as that fitted it into my regular bowel habits and made timing of meals much easier.  Use the micro enema as instructed, drink fluids as instructed and, in my experience, all will be well.  Negligible side effects - some tiredness from week 3 onwards, but pretty mild.  Biggest problem was the hormone injection pre-RT.  Caused me no end of hot flushes, every 40 minutes night and day for 15 weeks, so sleep deprivation became a thing.  Fortunately now, 5 months post hormone jab, it's all wearing off.  I too worked throughout, though the hot flushes were much more of an impediment than any fatigue.

  • Hi Stuart

    Having brachypherapy at Poole on 31st October. Then radiotherapy at Dorchester, starting 14th November. Your experience of diet were helpful. 

  • Hi

    Glad it helped! If you drink alcohol, try and ignore the siren voices in the waiting room. Some will say they drink a shot or two, of this or that, every night- trust me when I say they will most likely regret it!

    I had RT at Poole ( wasn't offered anything else). Is there a reason you are having RT at Dorchester? Guessing you live nearer Dorchester than Poole.



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Finished RT 3 weeks ago. Went well, virtually without side effects other than frequent urination at night. Is there any way to alleviate the problem? 

  • I have been on HT for the past 10 months or so but the nocturia problem considerably worsened following the RT

  • Finished mine just over 2 weeks ago & the radiotherapy itself is nothing to worry about as long as you take the suppositrys & drink the water they give you ,the worst i think is trying to keep completely still whilst it is going on but it only last 10-11 min & the only side effects I have had so far is the urgency to pee & burning sensation whilst doing so

  • Hi  .

    Can I invite you to join the prostate cancer forum, if you have prostate cancer, where you will find a friendly bunch with a sometimes wacky sense of humour. You will get more responses and help relevant to your particular type of cancer.

  • Mac2025, this IS the best Prostate Cancer forum.  I've been here for 3 years and I keep learning something new all the time.

    Steve (SteveCam)