Radiotherapy side effects

  • 20 replies
  • 138 subscribers

I'm starting next week, and while I feel reassured about the likelihood of success, I won't know what side effects I will experience until I start. The most common is fatigue - what has been anyone's experience of that? Is it cumulative, did it kick in quickly or later? Were you able to work?

Would be great to hear from you if you have gone through this yourself.

  • hi paul

    RT is nothing to fear really, I carried on working throughout. My main issue was severe constipation, meds only partially helped, I have read of others with the opposite, diarrhoea. Suppose the former is slightly easier to deal with.

    Just try and keep your diet fairly basic during RT , not too much red meat/alcohol etc

    You'll be OK

    best wishes


  • Hi Paul,

     I didn’t need to take a laxative during my sessions, however halfway through I had to take an Imodium for a couple of days. 
    Although I finished my sessions at the end of June I still occasionally have to take one. 
    I do get fatigue from the H/T but it’s manageable.


  • Hi Paul

    With me, the fatigue didn't kick for a couple of weeks - which was about 1/3rd of the way through my treatment. Some days, after getting home from the hospital, I just crashed out on the sofa.

    I took early retirement, so not working wasn't a problem. But with the 45 mins each way travelling for treatment, the variable time in the hospital and the fatigue, I'm not sure how feasible it would have been. Guess it depends what you do for a living. I was thankful that I didn't have to.

    For me, the worst side effect was caused by ignoring the dietary advice, given by RT team. One lapse, at Christmas, caused me untold problems on Boxing Day. At Poole hospital there was a sheet they would give patients, no brown or high fibre anything, no alcohol, caffeine or green leay veg. There was loads of other foods too.Basically, you were recommended not to eat, pretty much anything you are supposed to eat for a good diet - if that makes sense!

    Hope this helps



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Thanks Steve, I agree constipation is the better! The fatigue seems to affect people differently - I'm 62 and not very fit so I guess I feel more vulnerable to it. My job is difficult to break down into discrete tasks so I worry about managing tiredness and work. 

  • Hi Stuart. It seems everyone is different so it's hard to plan ahead. I'm expecting some fatigue and I guess there's nothing to be done about it except just crash out! Did you exercise through the treatment?

  • Hi Paul

    Yes I did but not nearly enough. I was on HT too ( Prostap) which makes the fatigue worse. Not only that your fitness levels will drop and muscles will waste away. Assuming you are also on HT I would say try and keep up with whatever exercise regime you followed before PC.  It will be hard but I wish I had!



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Hi Paul

    suppose it depends on what kind of work you do, I was doing a driving job at the time, so not too bad. If u have a very physical job could be more affected. 

    If poss try and get a regular appointment at the beginning or end of the day , I got there at 7.30 am and got it over with,

    If u have a hard job possibly at the end of the day, just a thought


  • Grundo, PaulR,

    My Radiation appointments luckily were all for 3pm.  The Oncologist asked me if I had any preferences.  This suited me perfectly as I wanted to keep working as long as I could (gave me something to think about instead of being at home where all I would think about was the PC).  I worked from 6am to 1pm, nearly a full day, home and showered, then "Daft as a Brush" would pick me up around 1:30.  Hospital for 1:50.

    Then I had my Enema to take at the hospital (luckily) at 2:15.  2 glasses of water at 2:30. Then keep the water in until after the Radiation treatment.

    I don't know what hospital you attended but the 'Daft as a Brush' service at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle was brilliant.  The driver would wait for me to finish, sometimes after 4pm, then take me home.

    Fatigue really started after a week, by the time the 4th week had finished I was like a snail (without the shell).

    It did gradually reduce as time went on.  I know some men who didn't have any sort of fatigue at all.

    Paul you could be one of these.  It could even have been a mixture of the Hormones and Radiotherapy.

    A man I work with starts his 20 fractions of Radiation next month but isn't on Hormones.

    Better go, work is calling.

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Hi

    2 years ago, had 6 weeks 30 sessions of radiography laser treatment as strong as they could possibly give me as my tumour was huge it did not affect my ability to work or carry on as normal just disruptive because i had a 3 hour round trip to the hospital and mine were all at different times of the day, so you are lucky to get a good regular time like that.

    if you want any more info please ask

  • Zoot, 30 sessions, wow!

    I couldn't believe all mine were at the same time.  With yours being at different times it must have been harder for your body to adapt.

    I knew I could just go home relax, sleep, whatever.  Don't know how lucky I was.

    Steve (SteveCam)