Crystal ball gazing

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  • 153 subscribers

I've recently lost Mum. As a result I'm helping my Dad a lot more. I know he had Kidney cancer many years ago and cured, I think, but following that he did self catheterise which in the past 5 years has moved to a fixed catheter.  He is in his 80s. 

He's recently had a PSA of 31 but before that in 2021 one of 24. Good appetite,  no blood in his urine, good energy levels. Most recent catheter changeover went fine.

They've taken another blood test so I expect he will soon hear but, in the meantime,  I googled PSA and am rather gobsmacked by his PSA level from last year and apparent lack of any action.

Any ideas what might be going on or that I need to prepare myself for?

  • Hi Kezzie

    Am certainly surprised that they didn't do a MRI after a PSA of 24, the fact that it has gone up to 31 means further investigation is needed.

    Impossible to speculate what's going on , it doesn't have to be cancer though.

    Push for a MRI as that will tell u a lot more, a biopsy my be required later

    Let us know what happens

    Best wishes


  • It seemed odd to me too. He's been under this particular consultant for years - he was the one who did the kidney operation and the catheter side of things imply they've been looking at that area for some time, in some way.

    Of course, I'm not privy to the majority of what's been said and we know even less for us to guess what's happening on here. But it does seem odd to me. The recent blood test led to a phone consultation but he was on his own and confused at the time (we lost Mum in May after only a 5 month illness) and he wasn't in a good way confidence wise for a while after. He's getting that back now and is much better on the phone although in his 80s he still much prefers seeing someone.

    I'm expecting there to be a follow up now, once the results of his repeat blood test (taken last week) land.

    I'll have to plan to be part of this I think, for support and to ask questions going forward.

  • So  Dad heard nothing from that repeat blood test. I chased and was told we would hear from consultant if there was anything to be worried about. Nothing was received.

    Dad's had a call from his GP now asking him to go in for a blood test and (I think, Dad gets confused on.the phone and doctor won't speak to me and I live 100 miles away) the GP is going to give him the results as last year's weren't discussed because "Dad didn't answer the phone" well, he would have if he'd received a letter advising of a call. He doesn't answer random numbers because he's been almost scammed before plus he stays with us quite a bit as he needs support. But he asks me to help with ALL his post, so we know a communication hasn't been.lost.

    The hospital have now written.with a phone appointment in early June (presumably a follow up from.the upcoming blood test)

    I've arranged to be with him for blood test and phone call.

    Anything I.need to be asking the GP or Consultant? Dad's 82.

  • Hello Kezzie. I’m sorry to hear of your difficulties. Do you have any siblings who live closer to your Dad who can support him during consultations etc?

    if not, and given the 100 miles distance between you, I am wondering whether you and your Dad could agree for you to have power of attorney? Power of attorney has two parts and your father can assign either one or both to just one well trusted person or more than one. One part concerns health and the other part is finances.

    once you have power of attorney for health and/ or finance you are empowered to make informed decision on behalf of your father if he lacks mental capacity.  So, the medical profession are empowered to pass on information to you without worrying about breaching patient confidentiality rules. Solicitors can draw up the documents if you wish but I think ( but I’m not sure) you can access the forms on line and do it yourself.

    re what you should ask the GP. If your fathers PSA has remained high, I would suggest asking for an MRI scan by his being referred back to the hospital under the ‘two week wait’ rule. This is that anybody suspected of having cancer should be seen in a hospital within two weeks of the GP referral ( I assume you live in England - I don’t know the situation in the devolved nations). The scan will indicate potential cancer problems for further investigation.

    hth and good luck.

  • Thanks

    The POAs are "in the post" all applied for in February 23 (we did our own too!) And hopefully we will receive them soon as they take a while to go through due process. The POAs are me and my brother. 

    My brother lives a bit closer but doesn't drive and is very unwell himself with disability too. Many of Dad's close friends have passed on. I am the only one really,  sadly

    Yes  we are in England .

  • Hi Kezzie

    I see that we spoke some 10 months ago regarding your dad. I assume that all he has had so far are PSA tests, no MRI.

    Its important to keep a note of all PSA test  results to look for an upward trend which would then indicate that a MRI would be needed


  • From my limited understanding, yes

    PSA 2021 24

    PSA 2022 31 (from a test literally just after Mum died so they retested two months later)

    PSA 2022 (retest) no results communicated 

    Blood test requested Mid May 2023. Presume for PSA reading.but I don't know. I' attending this one. And attending the follow up phone call in June.

  • Yes, good that you're going along.. if PSA still going up put pressure on for a MRI

    Good luck


  • So,  PSA levels are

    2021   24

    2022   31 and on retest 25

    2023   29

    We are waiting for the call on the current readings but Dad's understanding is that they will continue to monitor and are concerned if it goes over 30 especially if it doubles then they may discuss hormone treatment. Sounds like he's a watch and wait case - perhaps due to age? He's early 80s.