Gleason score and survival rates

  • 13 replies
  • 125 subscribers

I’m just trying to understand more about Gleason score. I have read the literature from Prostate Cancer Uk, but just want to confirm my understanding that a Gleason score of 7 (4+3) indicates a medium growth rate. Also in regards to survival rate for someone with Advanced stage 4 Prostate Cancer with multiple metastasis, some information indicates that the five year survival rate is low, but other sources indicate that men can live for many years with stage 4. I have stopped reading about it as there is so much confusing information on line

  • My understanding from the statistics published in 2017 by the ONS

    Diagnose at Stage 1 and 2 ( cancer contained within the prostate) has a 100% survival rate for 5 years.

    At stage 3, (locally advanced cancer) 94% survival rate for 5 years.

    At stage 4 (advanced cancer, so often spread to Skelton and lymphatic system), 50% survival rate for 5 years, although I have also seen this stated to be as low as 30%.

    I am in the latter category and non-curative, so like yourself am looking for hope that I can beat the stats. I am Gleason 9 (4 + 5)

    Firstly, I take a bit of hope from the fact that the stats are already 5 years out of date and they will have been collated over some earlier period of time, maybe 3-5 years, so could actually be maybe 10 years ago.

    Has treatment and survival rates moved on since then? Hopefully / probably!

    In reality, I am looking for a new treatment to arise within my "5 years" that can be inserted into my treatment plan that adds another couple of years to my existence on planet earth.

    So many people use inspirational quotes so here's mine:

    Malcolm X - By Any Means Neccessary

  • Hello Joe. Thank you for this. So, can I assume that you did not have any surgery and that the cancer is just "slow growing" and you are dealing with it? 

    Is urination problematic? Are erections (and/or orgasms) possible? 

    Thank you. 

  • Hi,

    It is said that "you can prove anything with statistics"-- no denying that figures tell a story -- but "it ain't over till it's over" -- I will say (with crossed fingers!) that 8 years ago ( April '14) I was given a Gleason score of 3 + 4 -following a cystoprostatectomy -- so maybe-as you suggest -  10 years + is the new 3 to -5 ?

    "Don't count the days --  make the days count" !