Advanced prostrate cancer /severe back pain

  • 8 replies
  • 124 subscribers

My husband was diagnosed with metastic prostate cancer 2 years ago.  He had chemotherapy and radiotherapy which was very successful.  He came away with a PS A reading of below 1.  Over the past month he has been getting severe discomfort in his back.  After a constant battle with GP he finally had a CT and bone scan.  We were informed on Thursday the cancer was in his back and further radiotherapy would be required.  This information was imparted from a locum Dr that didn't know my husband.  We were told a specialist nurse would give us more detail over the phone the next day.  Still waiting!  This has left us both very angry and anxious has we have lots of in answered questions.  I will be phoning the hospital on Monday.  We don't feel as though we are been listened to and having to fight for everything to let our voices be heard.  Has anyone had similar experiences?

  • I can’t answer specifically. Sorry  your husband’s cancer is now in his back. Is he still on hormone therapy?  What is his current PSA? Sounds like you need more information regarding a plan of action. Enzalutamide or Abiraterone might be considered. 


  • Hi P, sorry to hear.

    You probably would have got more help if u had gone back to the original cancer centre.

    Why did he have the  bone scans through the GP?

    Perhaps  ask for a referral back to the centre.



  • Hi P sorry to read about the problems your husband is having, I agree with Grundo your husband needs to be referred back to the hospital, he really needs to discuss his problem with an oncologist not a GP, other than refering me in November my GP has had no imput onto my treatment or monitoring. All the best to both of you.


  • Hi

    I know a battle with the GP can be hard, especially getting them to acknowledge something is not right. Find it hard to believe that he did not send your husband for a back X-ray, as this can also high light that it’s in his bones.

    I personally have it in my back, pelvis, ribs  and shoulder have had for since I was diagnosed five years ago. There are a number of things that can ease his pain, Radium 223, Radiotherapy, pain killers, I take a Adcal d3 which helps strengthen the bones, not a cure but every bit helps ask about it, 
    I’ve had many assorted scans ( miracle I don’t glow ) if your oncologist team are good they should have answers for you, I always as for a plan B if what I’am taking fails what’s the next step. 
    Just some food for thought.

    Stay safe


  • Thank you for your reply.  We had a phone call today from our specialist nurse.  We were informed that my husband's PSA had gone up to 6.5 from 3 in a month.  Cancer found in left and right ribs, hip and lower back.  Referred to consultant to discuss treatment plan.  Bit further forward however could be up to two weeks or more before appointment.

  • Hi

    Psa can fluctuate, having said that I always like to see mine go down, you never mentioned if he was on hormone injections ? Once chemo and radiotherapy have been applied it’s a normal process to have this.

    At the moment I’am on enzalutamide tablets, this or arberaterone are usually the next course of fighting the PC, I’am fortunate, I live near a large hospital who look after me, that and Withington hospital famous for treating cancer, are not far from me.

    You have to remember we are not doctors, just patients who have gone through different things, in your husbands case it’s simuler to mine.

    Stay safe


  • Hi

    thank you for sharing your story.  This really helps.  My husband is currently on Prostap hormone treatment.

    We will be going back to Weston Park cancer hospital in Sheffield where my husband had his chemo and radiotherapy 18 months ago.  This is a really good hospital.  The GP has been involved for the past 5 months as the nurse administers Prostap injection.  That is where the monitoring has gone astray.  I hope we will get back on track and see my husband pain  free.



  • Hi 

    Usually all the treatments and medication can be seen by both doctor and oncologist, so that anything new be it by your doctor or the hospital can be seen by both.

    Next time you see either just ask the question are they both talking to each other.

    Stay safe
