Hello. I’m not sure what to think.

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  • 14 subscribers

Hi. I’d really appreciate any thoughts here. 
My gp has phoned me this morning with results from my ct body scan. Apparently ‘multiple abnormal peritoneal nodules’ have been found with ‘nodular thickening on the right side’. ( this is where I’ve been getting pain). 
The conclusion says ‘Multiple peritoneal nodules is suspicious for peritoneal metastatic’. 

I had a blood test ( serum ca-125) which was fine so this has caught me off guard. 

Where would it metastasise from? 
Can these things just be benign …..am I just being alarmist to think this is cancer I have? 

I’m to have an endoscopy shortly for a biopsy. 
Thank you so much for reading. My husband has cancer so I’m rather guarded with sharing my feelings. 

  • P.S. could it just be my IBS? 

  • Understandable that you are concerned, Gilly.

    CT scans and waiting for results is worse than not knowing what is happening.

    Good that you have a biopsy booked; again some waiting for results but at least you will have some answers then.

    I have stage 4 peritoneal cancer that is " treatable but not curable". It was diagnosed a year ago and the chemotherapy and maintenance treatments have been reducing the cancer sites and keeping it at bay.

    I am trying to be positive. It is wonderful what the Oncologists can do these days.

    " Do not spoil today by worrying about tomorrow"

    Easier said than done - but try. 

    Wishing you and your husband all the best xxx

  • Thank you for your reply. 

  • I hope I’m not imposing but did you get a final diagnosis? I know it is worrisome especially since your husband has cancer. I’m wishing you the best. 


  • 4 years peritoneal cancer - get it checked asap 


    careoncology denditric chemo surgery diet 

    good luck