Peritoneal Cancer in DAD!

  • 2 replies
  • 15 subscribers


I am new to this group...don't even know where to start..Feeling overwhelmed...confused..depressed.

My dad who is 93 years old (I know...Im blessed to have had him this long!) looks amazing for 93! The doctors and nurses couldn't believe how strong he is! He started complainig because of abdominal pain. After being admitted to the hospital..performing a colonoscopy and given an all clear...not even a polyp...a PET scan revealed masses in the peritoneum and a metasis on the liver. Diagnosis? Stage 4 Primary Peritoneal Cancer that has spread to the liver. My entire family are in shock after the rollercoaster ride..of no this. My mom is devastated...a lung cancer survivor herself...that never smoked. The doctors said he has months to live. A biopsy next week will hopefully give us more answers. We are all confused since we understand that peritoneal cancer is similar to ovarian cancer. Im a 59 year old male...and now have cancer from both parents. My dad will probably not elect to do anything...even though my mom is pleading with him to not give up. She beat lung cancer in her 80s was in the early stages. We are all in shock. The last thing I want to see is my dad suffer from a painful end. Please...has anyone experienced this...peritoneal cancer in males? Is it hereditary? Is there anything I could do to test for genetics? Any information would be helpful!

  • Hi  

    I saw your message and just wanted to say that while I have no experience of Peritoneal cancer I do note it is rare and that is something I can relate to.

    I mostly post in our Carers only forum and Family and friends forum where I would totally relate to your feelings, indeed when we look at your feelings when someone has cancer I know how many of those I could tick.

    I do feel for your mum too, of course her cancer is very different to your dads with being caught in the early stages and it can be very difficult when our loved ones make decisions around treatment that we might not agree with. 

    If it helps you remember you are welcome to phone the helpline here 0808 808 0000 - it is open 8am to 8pm 7 days a week. You might also like to consider asking some of your questions in our Ask a Nurse forum 



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  • Primary Peritoneal Cancer is not hereditary- they don’t know what causes it. If you go to this website there are stories from men who have had it 
