Teeth and gums

  • 3 replies
  • 11 subscribers

hi everyone,I'm in agony with my teeth and gums,been like it for over two weeks and I can't stand it anymore.

apparently I've read where it can be caused by the chemotherapy,you can get neurothapy. In them,in your bottom set,which is where it is.

Dentist don't anything about this,any I'm afraid they'll just pull them out.

Has any one had this side effect? I need some help please 

  • Yes.  I am from the kidney group.  I have had sore teeth (or is it gums?) for weeks now.  I am on immunotherapy and like chemo, it's known that these treatments can cause dry mouth.  We (my oncologist and I ) are just investigating dry mouth treatments now.  I have an appt with my GP this morning and I am hoping she will prescribe me something to try.  Mine is just sore when I eat certain foods though, at the back of my mouth.  On occasion it's real agony.  Do you have difficulty chewing or swallowing? 

    I'd suggest you get yourself to your GP or oncology for something to relieve it.  The head and neck group is really good for mouth tips btw.  On their recommendations I'm going to ask for glandosane and xylimelts.  

  • Do you have a key worker you can talk to about this? They are usually very good at suggesting solutions to problems that crop up. I strongly recommend giving her a ring. That is what she’s there for.

  • Hi I have the dry mouth from immunotherapy and discovered Xylamelt tabs ,( stick one on your gum pm  )!few months sgo they really help that " my tongue stuck to roof of mouth morning " them and dry mouth tooth paste really help me .Hope they help you x