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Hey everyone.

                    So I have a rare cancer known as Clear Cell Carcinoma. Not alot is known about this cancer except for the fact that its similar to ovarian cancer. Had full hysterectomy in sept 2020, followed by a second surgery in oct 2020. However it returned this year so just had another surgery to remove mass cancer tissue. Now i am due chemo and they told me what type of drug they will be giving me. Paclitaxel, Carboplatin , and Avastin. I am concerned about the side effects so was wondering if anyone can inform me about what to expect. I was told i will lose all my hair which is worrying me and i am concerned about the rest of the side effects. Has anyone got a portal fitted? I am worried this will effect my life and cause me pain. I decided to go for portal as i am not a needle person. Any advice will be grateful. 

  • Hi I'm on the same 3 kinds of chemotherapy for peritoneal cancer.

    I've just had my second dose.I lost all my hair after the first round.Other side effects have been constant fatigue, nerve pain,night sweats,aching limbs,constipation,sore head when my hair was falling out and more recently sore mouth,gums and toothache.

    No sickness...bonus!

    Just remember these are not altogether and everyone's body is different x

    • P.s  I have never heard of a portal
  • Hi

    I had a carboplatin and paclitaxol for 4 rounds then just carboplatin for last two.  They were 3 weeks apart.  december 21 to may 22.

    The paclitaxol was a choice, the main drug was carboplatyn, but I wasn't going to refuse anything.  I think it was the pacli that made my hair fall out.  I had an allergic reaction to the pacli on the second dose, so they gave me more steroid/supportive drug and it went in fine after that. Pacli was stopped after 4 rounds as doc said carboplatin was main drug and I was getting peripheral neuropathy in my feet, which I still have, though manageable.

    I think side effects from the steroids was quite problematic as it made me hyper for a few days and I couldn't sleep much.  I had no taste and my digestive system certainly was under pressure but nothing puts me off food really.  Good diet, lentils at times for constipation worked.   I was tired, yes, but I often went to bed with a book in teh afternoon.  I'm retired, no job or kids to look after.  Hubby making tea.  I think I got away fairly lightly and everyone is different, but I would say the whole treatment started OK but got worse with each round.  i was diagnosed in October last year, so I am at the start of whatever.

    I finished last treatment on 30 May, hysterechtomy in April.  I have felt energetic last few weeks, hair coming back, but now on Olaparib so we'll see how that goes.

    I have not got a port, but think its a method of getting the drugs without the needle every time.  Probably a good choice if you're having a lot of treatment. 

    I hope all goes well for you.

  • Also, I had a wig for going to the pub.  checkout Look Good Feel Better team if you havn't already.  Bought some snazzy beanie type hats.  Plenty of lipstick.  Bit of a shock when the hair falls out but I got it shaved off when it started to really come out. 

  • Hi I had the same. so I told my Oncoligist about it and he reduced my chemo by 20% and I felt 100 times better, I still had the chemo hangover but it was not half as bad.

    hope that helps xx

  • Hello. I've also had 3 diffrent kinds of chemotherapy. I to have primary perotineal cancer. With the paclitaxel I had a severe reaction. They had to use the defibrillator on me but as said everybodys body reacts differently. Then I was put on Taxotere and I also had carboplatin x8 with HIPEC. I to lost my hair after my first round. I shaved my head and just embraced it. For me honestly my hair was the last thing on my mind. I always knew I could wear a hat,wig etc..I myself still suffer from severe chronic fatigue. I'm currently taking modafinil to help keep me awake. My last chemotherapy treatment was in November of 2019. I've asked my oncologist how come I'm still suffering from fatigue. I also have neuropathy in my feet my heels mostly. My muscles hurt and joints too. It's manageable. I just take a muscle relaxer and claritin. I had a port mine was inserted underneath the skin above the breast and the chemotherapy goes through there instead of a needle in your arm. I quite frankly liked having it for the convenience. Didn't have to get poked a few times to get it done. I also took Lynparza for two years. So far so good. Have a good day

  • Thankyou for sharing your story, I'm really down at the moment with it all,the neuropathy,fatigue and everything else and now I'm getting neutrapenic sepsis every time and end up in hospital every time,just home after 3days.Seriously thinking I'm not having anymore of the poison and I'm going to fight it myself like Chris Wark.

    Ive had enough 

  • I have primary peritoneal and I researched Hipec and went down to Basingstoke to be told i wasn't suitable and to go down the Gynae route but was never told why.

    Thankyou for sharing your story.

  • Hi Barnard 

    I'm so sorry to hear that you are having a tough time of it at the moment. I too have been in and out of hospital with either infections or reactions to Chemo. mainly the Paclitaxel not the Carboplatin my Oncologist believes.

    How many more cycles are you due to have? Has your Oncologist suggested a reduced dose at all to help your body cope better with it? 

    Hope that your feeling a bit brighter today. Don't forget that there are people that will support your through this difficult time, there's always you CNS team and the Macmillan help line.

    All the best Robin