Bleeding gums and itching

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  • 12 subscribers

It may seem trivial information for those with so much to deal with. On trial for two years pembro and lenvatinib and now lenvatinib since March. I have had bleeding gums for over two years and have been given different preparations by the hospital and dentist. I recently found Wisdom mouth wash without alcohol which does not seem to burn for me as Corsodyl did but has same chlorhexidine digluconate. Recommended for a month to use but can discolour teeth so I am using with tooth whitener. My gums were so sensitive some 2 years ago I could only use salt to clean them but my dentist recommended a high fluoride toothpaste as finding cleaning difficult was causing enamel erosion. I can just about tolerate toothpaste now.
Also had terrible anal itch and just found Anasol ointment without cortisone which seems to work for me as it has a different ingredient to the cream.
Everyone is different. If this info helps someone all well and good. 

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    I'm sure that others looking for this information will be glad that you've provided it and not think that it's trivial at all. So thank you very much for taking the time Slight smile

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