Hernia from debulking

  • 6 replies
  • 8 subscribers

Good morning. I was told yesterday that I may have a hernia from the debulking surgery that I had back in 2019. I believe it's a incision  hernia or ventral. My oncologist told me that if I need surgery for it, it may jeopardize my future treatment if needed. I know I can't live with this hernia. I don't know what to do. Had anyone else gotten a hernia? Thank you

  • Hi

    I don't have the experience you're looking for but I noticed that you haven't had any replies yet.

    I've had a look through the group to see if anyone else has mentioned having a hernia and found that  posted about having a hernia a year ago. I've 'tagged' them into my reply to you in the hope that they are still a member of the community and can come and share their experiences with you.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Yes I have a hernia following cancer surgery 

  • Good morning. I was told if the hernia surgery wasn't 99% effective that it may jeopardize my future outcome. If I need more surgery they may not be able to help me. So, I'm at a crosswords. Do I dare get the surgery? I don't want to mess up anything up if God for bid I need surgery again. How did your surgery go? 

  • Hi, Yes I have a incision hernia and I am in the same position as you. After seeing both oncologist and general surgeon, they don’t recommend repairing the hernia. I have now been to have a measurement for a hernia support belt. I am due to have another scan on 28th October followed up by a consultation. I’m not sure what to do either as my cancer is stage 4. I’ve had 6 chemotherapy sessions and a debunking during the last year. The last result I was told it has effected my lymph nodes.  Considering we’re at stage 4, it seems we are just putting off the inevitable. Sorry if this sounds morbid. xx

  • Hello JSA. I'll also be fitted for a hernia belt. I just really wish I could just get the surgery. This hernia is bothersome. But I don't want to jeopardize any of my upcoming surgeries. I've had 8 rounds of chemotherapy and debulking also. My cancer is obviously not gone, but it's "sleeping " . I'll now be seen every two months by my oncologist and gynecologist. I understand how we are putting off the inevitable.  I'll just live my life to the fullest until I can't anymore. XX

  • Yes I have a hernia but luckily doesn’t give me many problems. Never had a mention of a support belt. Checked by a surgeon and recommended to leave alone and happy to go along with that

