Stomach cancer metastasis in peritoneum

  • 2 replies
  • 6 subscribers

Is there anyone in the group who has had stomach cancer that has metastasized into the peritoneum? I could use some support. 


  • Hi

    I'm not a member of this group but I noticed that your post had gone unanswered.

    I've had a look, using this group's search facility, but couldn't find any posts re stomach cancer with peritoneal mets. However, I have found posts in the stomach cancer group, which I see you're also a member of, so I think if you were to post there you should get some responses.


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  • FormerMember

    Hi Am. 

    I took my time to start connecting in this forum. First, because I dont have cancer. We found out a month ago that my sister, 31 years old, has stomach cancer stage 4 with met to the peritoneum, also signet ring cell. Every week was a challenge. First, the biopsy, then the scan PET, then the the midtime I read everything I found online to understand a bit about this terrific disease. I was so hopeful that if she was a candidate for a surgery, cancer will be gone ore control. When the doctor told us she wasn't candidate yet because of the metastasis in the peritoneum I freak out. The oncologist told us they couldn't do hipec or gastrectomy yet because they need to find out with chem stops the spread of the cancer, but also because if they dont, and just do the surgery, then the cells could spread more because of the contact with different organs by the time of the surgery itself. 

    Right now she is on FLOT 4 with non side effects other than nausea and tired. We all now FLOT doesn't irrigate to the peritoneum as much as the rest of the organs, so we ask for hipec. They need to control de cancer before hipec but also it all depends of the amount of nodes are compromised in the abdominal wall.

    I know this message might not help you to find the answer or relief of your situation, but I've been reading all forums and information about this topic, and please ask for HIPEC or PIPAC treatment, since you already had gastrectomy, I'm sure you can find a solution for this battle by those processes. 

    I have some data online, let's message to keep I  touch, we aren't alone!

    Cheers from Chile, southamerica!