Regression or remmission

  • 2 replies
  • 5 subscribers

 On Tuesday I was told my cancer was in regression or remission - my husband and I didn’t understand the word used and had to ask what the consultant meant. We believe it meant my cancer is in remission. I am now going to have 3 month appointments by phone or in person. No more CTs. Unfortunately the BRCA2 result still has not been received despite the hospital supposedly chasing up since October. If it is positive I now only have an 11 day window to start treatment if it is positive. The consultant said hewould phone if they get results or want me to have a blood test for BRCA2 again. He also told me if my cancer does come back hecan give me the treatment then. I really don’t find this  very reassuring! It puts a dampener on the good news received. 

Is regression and remission the same thing?

  • Hello EAH

    Your CNS is probably the best person to ask as they know all your details however,

    My understanding of regression and remission are...............

    Regression is where there is a reduction in size or the cancer has become less active. It is positive because it suggests that any treatment is controlling the growth.

    Remission is where there is a period where there are no detectable cancer cells present.. It does not mean that the cancer is necessarily cured but more that it has been controlled. Remission can be partial or complete. It is also positive. Both require regular checks to monitor.

    So regression is where there has been shrinkage and remission is reduced activity. Both suggest a positive response to treatment.

    This is only my understanding though. If you want to talk to a nurse to get more information then please do give the Support Line a call. They could also answer any questions about the BRCA2 as this is something I do not know much about.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Jane, thank you for your reply, very helpful.