Digestive issues after ascites drainage

  • 1 reply
  • 4 subscribers

Hi Everyone, 

Potentially it looks like I have PPE, just waiting for confirmation, last Tues 29th Dec, I had my stomach drained, 5.7ltrs, then Thursday biopsy, I came home from hospital last night 4.1.21, but need to ask has anyone had issues with eating and digestion after having the drainage. Initially it was like food was stuck, then Thurs, Fri & sat, could not keep anything down, I'm still struggling to eat, if its not sickness it's indigestion, has anyone experienced this, and have any suggestions on how to ease it? I'm already on omeprazole. Plus I still feel breathless, is this again an effect of the ppe?. Xx

Thank you in advance. 


  • FormerMember


    I would always suggest speaking to a dr if you are concerned and if this feeling continues past today.  I had a drainage of 8 liters back in May. Prior to having the drainage I was really struggling to eat anything at all so after the drainage it took a while to build up an appetite again and certainly remember indigestion being an issue especially in the evening.  I only remember being sick once so this is something you may just want to consult somebody about. Even if they just put your mind at rest. They may also be able to switch meds for you to help instead of omeprazole. Hope it is something that clears up or is an easy fix. Let us know how you are getting on x