Has anyone been treated with HIPEC at Basingstoke Hospital?

  • 8 replies
  • 6 subscribers

My husband was diagnosed with Bowel Cancer in 2010 and treated with a resection of the bowel followed by Chemotherapy.  It returned in the Omentum in 2013 which was removed without the need for follow-up Chemo.  After four years of relatively good health, last Wednesday he was once again diagnosed with tumours in the Abdomen, Peritoneal Carcinoma?  We are waiting to see if he is suitable for treatment at Basingstoke Hospital.  A treatment called HIPEC, a very involved type of treatment, I want to see if we can get any further details of this treatment before we go down that avenue.  We would like to see if anyone can tell us anything about about the outcome of the treatment, the difficulties of the operation and the followup treatments involved.

Thank you very much for reading this, and in anticipation of any replies!



  • FormerMember

    Hi Lynn

    My husband had HIPEC at Christies their website gives more information of what is involved. His op was 11 1/2 hours but within 2 weeks his recovery was amazing. I think that the website for beating bowel cancer also has excellent information.

    Good luck

  • FormerMember

    I was up there in March thay are amazing the hipek is brilliant no side affects mine and was less complicated than yours but out in 12 days now in on chemo which is far worse than the op hop this helps

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Last week my father had a CT scan due to elevated CEA levels (190) in his blood. The image reader said he has evidence of peritoneal disease with peritoneal caking.

    His history is colorectal cancer 6 years ago, he had chemo then went into remission and it came back to his small bowel after two years. He had chemo from January - August last year and his markers went down then sadly went back up again three months later, so he started on more chemo this January - April, which completely has weakened his bone marrow and minerals.

    He has been trying immunotherapy since then for some growths in his lungs - apparently this was the bowel cancer that moved and got stuck in his lungs rather than lung cancer. They have been monitoring his CEA levels and they shot up last week hence why he had the scan, however, unexpectedly it came back with omental caking. I am unsure how advanced it is - the strange part is he has no symptoms whatsoever which is why we cannot get our heads around it.

    He is going for HIPEC surgery however the oncologists want to give him more chemo before the surgery - the worry is his body is so weakened already from all the previous rounds and the last few times he had chemo this year he presented an allergic reaction to it (swelling/difficulty breathing/nearly fainting).

    I don't know if he should have more chemo pre-op until he has recovered from the invasive HIPEC surgery.

    Does anyone have any advice? He is 68 years old. We are worried that pre-op chemo will weaken him once again, and having spoken to immuno Drs and centres in America they reccomend no chemo pre-op but the oncologists here say he needs it. It is such a tough and confusing decision based on conflicting information. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Mike,

    Did you have this on the NHS or Private, i have been diagnosed with Peritoneal Metastases from bowel cancer but my Consultant has only advised me on Pallative chemo made no mention if their was any other option for me.

    I am currently thinking about going private, have some savings, so need to know if this is something i can fund myself.

    Thanks Jib.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I was NHS, find out why your doctor won't put you forward I was lucky my Dr trained in Manchester 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks Mike, will speak to them tomorrow.

    Just thinking if had to go down private route how much it will cost and if I can afford it.

  • My husband had HIPEC at Basingstoke after we found out he had peritoneal metastasis from stomach cancer. No-one has ever had it before in the UK originating from the stomach until he had it. It’s much more common with ovarian and colon cancer I understand. Feel free to message me. His consultant was Tom Cecil. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Sorry have no idea of cost, you could call Basingstoke directly