Practical Advice?

  • 2 replies
  • 7 subscribers

I'm two weeks post surgery to remove a tumor on my foreskin (full circumcision). Seems to be healing ok.

I'm pain free for the first time in a long while which is great.

However, there are some practical difficulties which I wondered if anyone has any suggestions.

I can no longer wee with any sense of direction. I'm coping by using a hospital bed urine bottle at home for now when standing. But when sat down I seem to spray between the toilet seat and toilet wetting my leg, my clothes or the floor.

Has any one got advice or experience in coping with sitting down or when out? 

Also, does the constant feeling that I'm exposing myself ever disipate?

  • Totally get it, I am a  year into the same issue, after three operations, I pee to the left so have to sit down where possible, have had a few accidents as you have and, yes, I hate using urinals when I have no other choice, but at the end of the day, everything still works and I am still here so my advice is count your blessings, don’t be hard on yourself when you have an accident and laugh at it when you can. I have told my close pals and they rib me but it’s good to get the issue out in the open sometimes.

    hope that helps 

  • It good to keep a sense of humor as we go through aging and its indignity’.  I too have the problem of never knowing where the pew is going to go! A contributing factor is the fact after my hormone therapy for prostate cancer my manhood shrunk considerably! Good to have a good bunch of buddy’s to turn it into as joke as I’m now nick named shorty! Lol