New diagnosis

  • 5 replies
  • 8 subscribers

Hi everyone. 

I have just been told that they found cancer cells on my foreskin when they circumcised me for a tight phimosis. 

I am petrified I have been booked to go for a CT scan of my chest abdo and pelvis and then I am to see a specialist. 

I have never heard of penile cancer and I am petrified 

am I being silly?

  • Your absolutely going to feel very anxious and worried. Penile cancer is rare and scarey for any man to go through.  Until you have seen the consultant post scans everything is a complete guess but be sure it's treatable.  Just make sure appointments come through on time and chase if they don't.  We have a fb network of guys whom have this , so there is a safe place to ask questions , talk to other guys.  Orchid cancer charity also help us guys so google them.  You are not going to not worry that's natural and hopefully it's early stage and easily treated.   What area of the UK are you?  Many guys up north go to CHristies and us down south go to ST George's.   For context I was diagnosed very late on ten years ago and clear discharged 5 years ago. 

  • I am in jersey Channel Islands so we get reffered to St George’s 

  • OK, I am friends with a guy in Guernsey whom has had penile cancer. He , like me went to St George's,  I can honestly say they are the world's best in this cancer. Nick Watkins and Ben Eyres are the consultants,  they are very talented , compassionate and all round good people. They are the best of the best. 

  • It can be very scary at beginning it was my husband who was diagnosed he had the cancer on head of penis so had a glansectomy 2 months ago and foreskin removed. We are near Glasgow so he was in Glasgow Royal Infirmary and they have been amazing he is recovering well I hope you are doing well if have any questions just ask.

  • Totally agree with Dave 46, I was diagnosed at St Georges as my local Hospital was not sure , because as others have said its rare. I was seen by Ben Ayres and him and his team are amazing.