Anxious about small area of skin on glans

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  • 8 subscribers

Hi, I'm posting here in the hope of getting some sound information. I recently visited my GP after noticing a very small area of skin on the head of my penis that is ever so slightly darker and more raised than the surrounding skin. The doctor had a look and said it was probably fungal and not penile cancer. He prescribed Clotrimazole cream and told me to apply it three times a day for two weeks. Now two weeks have passed and the area of skin looks exactly the same as it did when I saw the GP. I feel like I've wasted two weeks and can't help wondering if it is actually penile cancer. I've been frantically googling to try and find something that looks the same, but the internet seems to be full of more extreme images and horror stories. Nowhere can I find pictures of the very earliest signs of skin change on the head of the penis. Why is that? Why are all the pictures so hideous? Surely penile cancer starts out as a very minor skin irritation? Surely it would be a good idea to have pictures of the earliest indications on the internet for men to compare with? It's highly frustrating. I desperately want to know that what is on my penis is not cancer. Please can someone explain - if pictures are not possible - exactly what occurs on the penis when penile cancer first develops? Thank you.

  • Dear gary52, I was in the same position as you a few months ago so please go back to your GP and ask to be referred to one of the 9 cancer urology centres in the uk immediately and get them to look at it. You are absolutely right the lesion stats small and can grow very quickly in my case 0.7mm per day after a biopsy. Do not hesitate I tried various creams some worked some didn’t but in my case these were a waste of time.