Just checking in

  • 3 replies
  • 7 subscribers

It’s been a while since I’ve felt like I needed to check it with this site.

I had my 4th operation earlier this year, removal of more infected/damaged tissue.  

Im no longer having therapy, although I’m still on s daily tablet to to take the edge off the darker days. I’m still having the occasion periods where I feel sorry for myself, and like today where I feel I’m the only person who feels this way.  

By chance I got chatting to a life coach through my work; he was talking about finding or rediscovering something that makes you happy that you can fully control.  On a previous post mentioned that I ran a half marathon; on reflection this gave me a focus and the running helped me to clear my mind of negative thoughts.   After completing the half marathon, I had s stage where I became angry with the world, so my wife brought me s punch bag and some boxing gloves.  Every time I got angry with the world she sent me to the garage to beat-up the punch bag (by the way I wrote the word  CANCER on the bag) she told not to come back until I got it out of my system.

I’m now becoming my own amateur therapist, at almost 59 years old, I’m getting fitter (not thinner, as I love my food), through running and my own style of boxing,  I have more energy and I am slowly re-taking control of my life.

Maybe this could work for you?

I’m not sure if this all make sense or if it reads as the ramblings of a mad-man but hopefully it will help someone in this journey.

  • That all makes perfect sense, for the cancer we have little control over from a physical side but we can steer our recovery by using control tools. I under went a year of mental health treatment and for me the first thing i did was write my journey up , i now have a 70,000 word document with warts and all in it. That help me deal with the trauma and compartmentalise it.  then i took to walking 3/5 or 10 miles a day , but every day pushing to the limit.

    Then I got a tattoo - something I could do to my body that i have control over. Then we discovered travel. We now take 3 oversea trips a year to far fung places and travel in style. Yes we are fortunate to be able to do so but we save hard to enjoy it.  But still after all that i am haunted by penile cancer - every day , many times a day i am trust back to my darkest most horrifying times. The misdiagnoses, the pain, the amputation, the treatments , the effects and the reality of nearly losing my life. We can never fully forget but we deal with as best we can.  Its a long and times lonely road as those around us can see the hurt inside.   keep up the good work.!  

  • You mentioned a misdiagnoses, my doctor told me I had a STD, thankfully my wife and I totally trust and believe in one another. I dread to think how many men have suffered through this type of misdiagnoses.

  • Yes had an "infection" and a 3 month wait for urology to be told that's no infection. So common unfortunately.  I even had palpable node in my groin but that was dismissed. Turns out it had extracapsular spread and went to my pelvic nodes.