Pancreatic pain

  • 3 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hello..I’m Annabel 54 and was diagnosed in January during a 5 week hospital stay for severe jaundice and itching.
I’m borderline stage 2-3 operable and now making the big decision to either go for Folfirinox or palliative GemCap. by next Thursday.  

At the moment I’m getting tummy pain a lot more and also constipation… 
Does anybody else suffer similar..? It would be great to chat with people and feel not so alone with this. X

  • I am about to start Folfirinox but this is post op having undergone the Whipple procedure. I also suffered from itching all over my body and gradual weight loss leading up to my diagnosis. I would speak to your specialist care team re the pain and constipation, they should be able to prescribe something to help. Have you been put on PERT ( Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy)? If so you may need to speak to someone about adjusting the dose. Hope this helps.

  • Hello! Thanks for replying.

    Yes it would be great if you could let me know what side effects you get.  I will be starting in the next couple of weeks. Have read up about them.

    My pain and constipation has eased a little now with a stronger prescription of co codamol..Had to ring 111 over the weekend, got a phone call back from a Doctor 9 hours later Rolling eyes.

    Yes I have been on Creon since January. Apparently Doctors don’t push this enough, so my Mac Nurse told me.

    Hope your bearing up x

  • Hi Annabel,  Day 1 of chemo ab bit up and down. Treatment at hospital went well just a bit of minor discomfort whilst they flushed the pre meds through but no biggy. On leaving hospital I felt a bit clammy and have had a couple of bouts of vomiting. As this is my first day I have rung the out of hours ward just for advice if this continues ........ was sent home with two types of anti sickness tablets been advised what and when to take. Keeping fingers crossed. Hope this hasn't put you off me not understanding what meds I had. Do you know what op they are proposing? I have felt a lot better since mine. I am on Creon 25000 capsules 4-6 main meals and 3 for snacks. Some problems with supply though so may be alternative options. Hope all goes well with you.