
  • 2 replies
  • 45 subscribers

I have just joined. Feeling apprehensive but hoping to learn a lot. My brother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer at the end of June 2023. He has had 2 lots of chemotherapy as they are hoping to shrink the cancer and then operate. He has not been told what stage his cancer is? does pancreatic get staged the same as some other cancers? Thank you xx

  • Hi Molly!

    So sorry to hear about your brother, everyone on this forum can empathise with how you’re feeling! 
    hope everything is going well with the chemo and that his surgery is successful and recovery is easy! 

    In answer to your question, most cancers are staged in the same way and pancreatic cancer I believe is no exception, using the TNM method. T meaning tumour, N meaning nodes, and M meaning metastasis. 
    Tthe different stages 0-4 is determined by how big the tumour is and how much of the pancreas/surrounding tissue is involved (T), whether any lymph nodes are involved both near and far (N), and whether the tumour has matastasised or spread (M). They’ll determine from that what stage it is. For example a tumour that is still quite small and only involves one lymph node would be considered stage 2B, if it was small and involved no lymph nodes then it would be 1A. 
    His tumour has likely already been “staged” by the oncologists after the scans, so if he’s waiting on those results it may be worth chasing that up.

    I hope this helps. 


  • Hi Max

    Thank you for your reply. That does help so much

    I don't think he has been told about stages. It's difficult as I don't go in with him at consultation. I fear he only tells me what he thinks I want to hear.

    The information will be very useful though as I can bring this up in conversation with him. 

    Much appreciated Thumbsup
