Got the news today

  • 14 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Well, I wasn't expecting that on a sunny Friday!  Pancreatic cancer wasn't in my plans but i guess you'll all say the same.   Found out this morning. 2 -3cm on my pancreas and maybe liver. Lots of tests to follow.  I'm full of fight but so scared for my family. We lost my son to suicide last year and this is going to be so tough for them all now.  Looking for kindness, support and hope.  Thank you

  • Stay as positive as you can and you sound like you will be.  I ended up admitted to hospital in March, went to Drs and was in that same night.  I had jaundice and itchy skin but was very shocked to learn prognosis etc.   Had all the scans and was about to have the Whipple surgery but the team decided I needed chemo first to reduce the tumour and then after 6 cycles would have another look at whether I could have the op.  Must admit the chemo isn’t easy but just had 2nd cycle and big improvement from the first one.  The dosage has been adjusted and anti-sickness tabs changed and actually feel ok today and 3rd cycle isn’t until next Friday.  You will be given lots of info but everyone is there to help and sort any side effects you get etc. Hope you have support around you and help you to stay positive.  I had a stent fitted at the hospital to keep the bile duct open and you have to take enzymes with your meals so that your body can absorb the nutrients etc but it’s just something that needs to be done so you don’t keep losing weight. I was told now is the time to put all my energy into myself and not take on the stress and worry for others as it doesn’t help you but I know that is easier to say than do.  
    I hope you can stay strong and that’s all we can do really, but positive people do get surgery - if it’s possible, sounds like you want to be strong too.  All the best and hope you get started on treatment quickly.  

  • Thank you for taking the time to reply.  I will be fighting this to the end and i hope that is a long way off.  Very early for me.  No weight loss.  No signs of jaundice. Just the abdominal and back pain.  Tumour 2-3cm on pancreas and possibly spread to liver. No idea how much worry that equates to but I'm trying to find hope.  I hope your treatment is bearable and the news is positive. Thanks again for replying. It helps a lot!

  • You are welcome.  Forgot to mention I have started attending a Well-being group where u go once a week for half a day run by the hospice but it is for women in similar situation going through chemo etc.  I was wary going but the support is great and they understand exactly what you are feeling.  We can get different types of therapy whilst attending too.  Not tried any yet but the ladies all like going and it’s just good that you can chat openly and support each other.   All the best.  

  • Thanks.  Just looking for the same locally. There's one 15 mins drive so will be trying it. 

  • Hello, I am a carer for my sister who has pancreatic cancer. Had no symptoms was an incidental find. Its mot been easy but pls stay positive. 

  • My sister just refuses to attend any support group so doing so on her behalf. Please look after yourself. Stay strong. 

  • That's the horror of this particular one isn't it - lack of symptoms.  I have had some but they didn't expect it to be PC

  • And good luck for you and your sister Fingers crossed

  • Thanks and good luck to you too. Its just the back pain and tummy craps that is the problem. 6 cycles of chemo and tumours shrunk but has 6 more to go. Pls try and stay strong 

  • My tumour is 2-3cm on the pancreas and not sure about liver as yet.  I know I need to be patient and have all the tests first too.