Hi my husband just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer

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hi just been reading posts nice to know I am not alone 

  • Hi it’s difficult when no idea how you will be but only thing I am doing is try to be as positive as possible.  I haven’t started chemo yet but hoping to still have Whiple surgery if chemo can shrink the tumour enough.  It’s all go next week for picc line and chemo so having a few days away and just hoping can get some quality time  with my partner.  Hope your hubby is coping and you can enjoy quality time together.  X

  • Hi , my husband was diagnosed 2 weeks ago with pancreatic cancer which has spread to the liver and a pulmonary embolism on the lung.  He was fairly healthy until he started to take metformin tablets last November for Diabetes Type 2.  He was very nauseous.  The sickly feeling just got worse until we went to A & E 2 wks ago where he had lots of tests which resulted in pancreatic cancer etc.  He is in hospital, will be moved home on Friday but he is in end of life stage and has been given a few weeks to live.  To say we are both devastated is an understatement.  How fast this type of cancer is growing.  We had so much planned and I'm now swamped with holiday insurance claims etc which I dont feel like doing but must do.  My husband is not eating.  Hes drinking ok.  I want to rewind it all and pretend its not happening. xx

  • So sorry to read this - I hope your husband isn’t in lots of pain.  My Consultant was very honest and open about Pancreatic Cancer prognosis. I was hoping to get the surgery quickly but couldn’t go ahead.  It isn’t good that you don’t know early enough to get treatment quickly.  I hope that research will help others eventually as to just be given a terminal diagnosis is horrendous.  I hope u have lots of family and friends support. I am hoping my partner can manage if my chemo does not reduce the tumour as she is worrying constantly - as are the rest of my family but the only thing is stay positive and take each day as it comes.  We also had a holiday we had to cancel for August so hoping my doctor will sign the form to help get our flights refunded as he definitely knows my diagnosis!   Take care of yourself too. X

  • I’m so sad and sorry that you have had this news. 
    ny husband was told he had borderline diabetes after a blood test and that was the start of this journey back in June last year but it took 3 months to get a scan and a diagnoses of Pc 

    We were ment to go to Egypt a week after his diagnoses, told by one doctor to go but his oncologist said no we are starting treatment in 4 days. We had another booked for August this year. II was able to cancel and get a refund by supplying a letter from his oncologist and I have to say Tui were brilliant as I had no insurance. But having to keep explaining over and over again about his diagnoses for heart breaking and all I did was cry.  His PC is wrapped around the portal vein and SMA so surgery is a no go unless the radio and chemo shrinks it back which we will find out in the 9th May. 
    Sending hugs to you and your husband, I  hope you can get more time than the doctors have said 


  • Hi Maria and john very similar situation only diagnosed less than one week ago 

    had CT scan 2 weeks ago, very scary, so much to think about it is so hard telling people 

  • Hi lancs twin my husband didn’t want to know prognosis however because of stent fitting today they mentioned a DNAR form which I strongly objected to but I don’t get a choice 

    I feel we are floundering a bit have spoken to team on here that gave me some advice other than that I have had to find out things myself thank goodness for the internet 

  • Hi Craven

    i hope your husband can come to terms with things and be as positive as possible.  I had the stent and with the Creons with meals seem to be maintaining my weight just now.  Know I am Stage 3 but hoping that I will be lucky with the chemo and it does shrink the tumour that is on a vein.  Know the odds aren’t the best but got to keep positive and keep as well and strong as possible.  I am glad for the internet too and this site as it does show there are others who are going thru the same thing.  Hope u can enjoy some quality time together -‘it’s what we all want isn’t it. 

  • Hi Lancs twin, thanks for your positive response,husband had stent yesterday hopefully home today said he feels better already 

    still needs creon with meals/snacks, 

    onwards and upwards 

    as you say we need quality time together now.

  • Craven that sounds very positive and glad stent working.  Your hubby will pick up a bit now if stabilise weight and manage Creons ok.  I keep trying to up mine as dietician said I wasn’t taking enough but I think my weight is ok and not lost anymore.  Just glad I had extra on to lose as it fell off rapidly when first in hospital!  We are going on a little break this weekend before chemo starts next week - got to enjoy little hols whilst I am well but definitely looking forward to seeing the sea - even if it is only Blackpool!  Not where I would have gone if was ok as love going abroad and sunny hols!  Will enjoy ourselves anyway and gets lots of fresh sea air!  X

  • Enjoy your holiday and thank you for your positive thoughts x