New member Cms

  • 4 replies
  • 45 subscribers

I have just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. What a hell of a shock. Still trying to get my head round it. My husband is also struggling as he has always relied on me for paying bills etc. We are both retired so don't have any financial problems but not sure of what's going to happen yet. I'm waiting for a biopsy so should know then what treatment is going to be required. Very anxious and just burst into tears every now and then. Any advice would be appreciated. 

  • Hello CMS

    Yes, a diagnosis like this is certainly a shock. My advice would be to try to take one day at a time and not think too far ahead. It is difficult I know but concentrate on the day ahead and not too far in advance.

    Have you been advised to use Creon to help you digest food?


  • Hello Squeaky,

    Thanks for replying. I'll give Creon a try. I've been advised to eat little and often but it's knowing what to eat. I've gone off food anyway so it's really difficult.

  • My husband was diagnosed 26th September and I feel like I am only just getting my head around it. His work has been great but finding it difficult with my work because it’s not me unwell and having to take time of work to look after him. I agree with squeaky Creon is really important to get early on. This has made a big difference to my husband and digesting his food and moving his bowels. He would get a lot of tummy pain when he couldn’t then the knock on effect was not being able to eat as he was so bloated then losing a lot of weight quickly. How’s the eating going? Is hard isn’t it trying to decide what to have when your not hungry. 
    Have you got family to be able to lean on? Has your husband got someone to talk to? 

  • Hi Chrisid, I'll get in touch with my doctor tomorrow and see if I can try the Creon. Eating is really difficult for me, getting stomach discomfort every time so then I don't want to eat. I'm not losing any weight though. We have family and really good friends . But my husband is finding it very difficult and doesn't say very much. Although he is looking after me and learning to cook as I am really tired all the time.