Endoscopic ultrasound scan/biopsy postponed

  • 3 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Aaargh, all geared up for this mornings procedure and got there at 0815 for an 0845 appt. Sat in the waiting room together until they came to collect beloved hubby at 0945 and then 10 minutes later he’s back. They can’t do the procedure because no one told him to stop taking his blood thinners when they booked the appt with us on Monday. This sure is a rollercoaster for the emotions.

  • Hi  

    That must have been so frustrating! I hope your husband doesn't have too long to wait for the procedure to be rescheduled.


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  • I found called the Endoscopy team everyday for a cancellation has been successful - and getting Our lovely macmillian nurse chasing for us too to line up with oncologist reviews/appointments. 

  • Hi, hope you are both ok. Having issues replying to messages. 
    today went ok. Gordon is hopeful but I’m just a little teary as I didn’t sleep well being worried about it. The 9th May of May seems so far away but I’m sure it will come around soon enough. 
    Hiws things with you both?