
  • 1 reply
  • 45 subscribers

Hi there.

My mother in law was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer just before Xmas. She went in for surgery but they didn't get all of it and she now needs 6 months of chemo. My MIL is one of those "do what you have to do, whatever happens, happens" type of people and seems to have taken it all in her stride. My fiance however, is very close to her and is understandably very upset. Does anyone have any tips on what I can say or do to be there for them? 

Many thanks.

  • Hi MIL help

    Your MIL sounds a great lady. I think the best thing is to just 'go with the flow'. If they want to talk to you about things do so. However, if they want to keep things to themselves that's OK too.

    I hope the chemo goes well.
