
  • 6 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi  I'm new to this forum.. 

My husband was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer at the beginning of September.

He is on Chemotherapy and has been since 6th October.

Although the 2nd session wasn't good (he had a bad reaction), the last 2 sessions have been ok.

Obviously he gets very tired but he has mostly good days, for which I am grateful.

I am wondering how anyone out there who has a loved one diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer is coping?

Some days I feel fine then the next I can be a complete emotional mess. I become angry, frustrated and impatient with things that I usually take in my stride.

It would be good to know I'm not the only one and this is a normal way of coming to terms with the turn around in our life.

My husband is very positive, as I am too, and he is coping extremely well so I want to  be strong for him and care for him as best I can.

Thank you for reading.

  • Hello Supportingeachother

    It's good that your husband is coping well with the chemo and remains positive. I think the way you feel is the way most spouses/partners feel in this situation. It's all a bit of a roller coaster. So what you feel is perfectly normal.

    My best advice is to take one day at a time and to try to find at least one good thing to do each day. It might be having an icecream or going for a walk.

    My other piece of advice is to go with the flow with your husband . That way you wil;l cope well and be strong for him.


  • Thank you for your advise.  Its very welcome. 

  • Hello Supporting each other,
    The way you are feeling sounds very much as I was during my husband's illness. Please remember this is happening to *both* of you, and you need to accept that you too, will have bad days. If you are still able to get out by yourself, even for 20 minutes, give yourself permission to take it and count it as 'self care'. 
    I'm glad your husband was strong enough to get the chance of Chemo, and hope he has a good outcome from it. 

  • Thank you.

    I will try the advice you have given me.

    Its such a difficult time and it's reassuring the feelings I'm having are normal.

    Sometimes I think it is a dream and then I realise its actually happening. Some days I just want to cry. 

    We have no idea of the future but we are keeping positive. 

  • hi, the feelings you have are normal, it’s so hard seeing your loved one in pain not knowing the future.

    I used to go for a coffee now and then making sure that my husband was not on his own.  one thing I learnt was not to cry in front of him as it was too much pressure on him.  I used to tell him that WE together will get through the awful times.

    Birtual hugs to you.  PC is such an awful cancer.


  • Thank you for your words of support.
