Pancreatic cancer

  • 4 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi everyone 

here is a brief sum up of my story,

May 2020,, diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, aged 55 spent 3 weeks in hospital had 7 operations to get a stent in the bile duct I had an external bile bag every time they disconnected it I became really ill again eventually it worked and I got to go home , the tumour is inoperable.

August 2020,, PICC line inserted, chemotherapy started, ( folfirinox), first session back into hospital 2 days vomiting, second session back into hospital with bowel issues, they decided to reduce the chemo strength from 100% to 64%,, all the symptoms remained but , they were greatly improved, scan shows that the cancer has not shrunk but, it is stable so we go for another 5 chemotherapy. (10 in total)

January 2021,, scan shows that again the cancer is stable but not shrinking ( but , it is also not growing , evidence that the chemo is working.) due to the wear on my body ( I am now just on 8 st have have a platelet infusion and 2 blood transfusions) they decide to stop the chemo and refer me to Poole hospital for chemo radiotherapy, I have the plans all in place ,, I then get poorly so treatment postponed, 

April 2021,,I had now been admitted to the emergency ward where I stayed for 5 days in drips , as I had developed biliary sepsis,, came home for 1 day then went back in (pre booked) for a ERCP as my bile stent had stated to block ( I guess I was lucky in a way as I had had it in for 10 months ) the tumour had slightly started to grow up the bile duct, hence the start of a blockage, they did work on the original stent and added a second stent. I have now been told that chemo radiotherapy is no longer an option,

I came home in a lot of pain ( as expected) rested, less than 48 hrs later I started to feel really poorly, temperature was 40.5 so off we go to hospital again where I spent 8 days on IV antibiotics to kill another septicaemia infection picked up while having the ERCP,

I have have to say that now they have it all sorted I do feel really well and I am gently and slowly doing normal house things , my specialist and I have spoken in depth and we have agreed to try the folforinox chemotherapy again , as it did work in as much as keeping the cancer at bay , but it did make me quite poorly and we will be watching this closely 

My question to you is , has anyone had even a similar experience, and how did you feel , ? And cope , ? I have been very strong and positive but I do feel like I am getting tired, I will of course keep going, keep positive and keep fighting, I just wish sometimes that there was someone who totally understood, you can explain so so many times to people but, still feel very alone.,, thank you for reading.

  • FormerMember

    Wish you could speak to my mum she’s had almost identical story to yours, you are so not alone xxx

  • My uncle Dave tried the Abraxane chemo - twice a few weeks ago but it was a disaster with a spike in fever after both tries. He is now full of beans, I do his ascites drain for him, so no hanging around for a district nurse. He is eating, on top of his pain and enjoying what's left of his life. Chemo is so hard core, so you truly are 'nails'. Look after yourself xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi funnyfish

    thank you so much for your reply,   It has given me comfort to know that I am not alone , and if I can be of any help to anyone please contact me I am totally open .

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Vicbach

    Hi vicbach

    thank you for your reply, they really help.