Pancreatic cancer and MS

  • 2 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi I am new to this group. My mum was diagnosed 4 weeks ago with inoperable pancreatic cancer,  she also has multiple sclerosis which she has battled for 40+ years. She has lost the ability to really do anything for herself, she is eating little bits and is managing to drink but her pain is bad. I am looking after her myself with help from my 12yr old and my husband who are awesome but today I am completely broken. My mum is my best friend and my absolute hero. 

  • Hi there, I'm sorry that your mum is going through so much. I'm glad that you are able to share your pain on this forum. It often helps to write things down and get support from others who appreciate what you are experiencing. I'm just wondering if your mums doctors are aware of the pain she's in and have referred her to the teams that can help. These are strange times I know but I hope that she can still access the care she needs.

    I guess you are all in a state of shock  at the moment and it takes time to process everything. Please take care of yourself, your family as well as your mum. She sounds like a remarkable lady. I'm sure others will give you good advice but I just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you and that I wish you all things good, Pam xx

    Love is eternal
  • FormerMember

    Hi there, I'm so sorry to read this, you are going through hell right now.

    I lost my mom to pancreatic cancer in February and it's still very raw.  

    Are you having any support from palliative care nurses?  We were blessed to have Marie Curie nurses and district nurses coming out but that was right before all this lockdown happened.  I have to say, without those nurses we'd never have coped.

    Sending you love. Please message me if you want to talk xx